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  • Python 2 (version 2.7.3 proven to work)

    # apt-get install python2.7
  • Django (version 1.4.1 proven to work)

    # pip install Django==1.4.1

    or a newer version, such as

    # pip install Django==1.5.4
  • a web server (example relevant configuration is shown for Apache 2) able to handle WSGI

    # apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

How to set up the transcription environment on the server

  1. Update the config file (create this by copying to suit your environment. Meaning and format of all configuration variables should be clear from the comments in

  2. Run scripts/

  3. Set up your webserver to find your new transcription web application. For Apache, this can be done by inserting a snippet like the following to




    (which is by default a symlink to the former file) below the root <VirtualHost> element:

    WSGIDaemonProcess app_transcript
    WSGIScriptAlias /apps/transcription /webapps/transcription/trs_site/
    <Location /apps/transcription>
      WSGIProcessGroup app_transcript

    This particular configuration would make the Apache webserver associate the <hostname>/apps/transcription URL with the application directory /webapps/transcription, affecting where the script and other Python modules used by the app are looked for.

  4. Create the database (following is pseudocode, do not copy & paste it to your terminal):

    cd /webapps/transcription && ./ syncdb

    You may be asked to enter a login, a password, and an email for a superuser account. It is a good idea to do so, unless you want to Load users from a dump.

    Make sure the access permissions are set correctly for directories used by Django. This can mean you need to issue the following commands, depending on your configured paths:

    # PROJECT_PATH=/webapps/transcription
    # cd $PROJECT_PATH &&\
      chown www-data db/{,trss.db} data/{,conversations,import,lists} log/{curl,work}_logs
  5. [Optional] Save the name and domain of your new site to the database. The name of the site appears in password-reset emails, and defaults to

    You can change the domain and name of the site using the following commands:

    # cd $PROJECT_PATH && ./ dbshell
    SQL> UPDATE django_site SET name = '<your chosen site name>';
    SQL> UPDATE django_site SET domain = '<your site domain>';
  6. Collect static files using the following command:

    $ cd $PROJECT_PATH && ./ collectstatic -l

    You may be asked to confirm you want to override existing files. In a clean installation, with the default setting of STATIC_ROOT, this warning is a false alarm. If there were static files collected, they would be overwritten, but there are none.

  7. Reload the web server, open the site URL, and log in with the superuser account you created.

How to set up transcription via Crowdflower

  1. Get yourself an account with Crowdflower (

  2. Make sure USE_CF is set to True in Update all other related configuration, including CF_KEY (should be provided by Crowdflower for your account).

    If you changed USE_CF or any configuration variables pointing to directories or URLs, you probably have to repeat the previous part.

  3. Create Crowdflower jobs using the Create new Crowdflower jobs item on the main menu. Main menu is what you see when you log in to the site using your web browser.

    When you submit the form for creating Crowdflower jobs, the Transcription app will communicate with Crowdflower. You will have to wait for a response for a minute or so.

    When successful, you will have new jobs created in your Crowdflower account, and in the Transcription app's database. Dialogue prices will now be associated with corresponding Crowdflower job IDs, and your dialogues will be uploaded to their appropriate job based on the price.

    Dialogue prices are computed using the configuration variables PRICE_CONST, PRICE_PER_MIN, and PRICE_PER_TURN. If you change your mind about these constants any time later, you can reconfigure Django and have it recompute dialogue prices by using the Update Price action in the Dialogues admin view.

  4. Prepare gold items. See the howto: Add more gold.

  5. Upload dialogues you want to have annotated to Crowdflower. This is done through an action at the Dialogues admin page called Upload to CrowdFlower (only those dialogues that have not been uploaded yet). This action uploads the dialogues (their CID and codes) to the Crowdflower job corresponding to their price bin and marks them as gold items if there are any gold transcriptions for them.

  6. Order your units through the Crowdflower web interface. You want to set the price for each job according to what the title specifies. By default, the title says price level K where K is one tenth of the calculated job price.

    Update: Crowdflower now defaults to ordering your jobs on no channels, which is definitely not what you want. Therefore, when ordering the job, don't forget to select the channels where you want your job to be worked on. Also, the workers' skills are now not set up the highest possible by the app (because of a Crowdflower API update), hence you might want to do so manually at the Crowdflower job website.

How to import dialogues

  1. Make the dialogue log directories available at the server's filesystem. If the dialogue logs are on a remote filesystem, you can use the script (from the scripts directory) to achieve this. The script also creates a list of imported dialogues for you, so you can then skip the next step.

    For using the script, you need to:

    1. create a directory with dialogue logs as its immediate children at the remote filesystem;
    2. (optional) pack the directory;
    3. run the script at the target server; run the script without arguments for usage message.
  2. Create a text file listing paths towards the log directories, one per line (preferably in localsettings.LISTS_DIR, although whether you put it in this directory or elsewhere, probably has no impact).

  3. Open the web interface of your application and navigate to dialogue import (through an option in the menu at the first page after login, or through the Dialogues->Add option of the Admin app). Specify the path towards the file listing your dialogues, any other options as required, and press the button. Depending on the number of dialogues imported, you might have to wait a considerable amount of time until the page with an import report loads.

    If you are using Crowdflower, you can choose to upload all imported dialogues to Crowdflower right away (using the corresponding checkbox in the Import Dialogues form) or you can do so any time later using the Upload to Crowdflower action from the Dialogues admin page. There, you will be provided with various filters to help you specify exactly the set of dialogues you wish to have annotated.

    Note that the CSV file you are asked to provide name for may be very helpful when the transcriptions are done and you want to delete the dialogue logs from the filesystem. Therefore, you should enter a name for it by which you will be able to recognize what data subset it belongs to. This CSV file is stored in the directory configured as CONVERSATION_DIR.

How to get data out of the system

There are two ways to export the data from the database Django uses internally:

  1. Make a database dump.
  1. Export the dialogue logs.

Dumping the Django database

(A) is done by simply running the script scripts/ This exports the data from the Transcription app and data about the Django users, to the data/dumps directory in the JSON format.

This is a good option to backup your data (they can be loaded again using ./ loaddata dump.json) but not the right option if you want to further process the transcriptions. In the latter case, follow the option (B).

Exporting dialogue logs

(B) is done from the Admin site (Admin option in the main menu). See How to export below for details.

Before you export

There are two mechanisms to track workers:

  1. Crowdflower webhooks
  2. cookies.

Crowdflower webhooks should track workers more smartly but they do not work as smoothly as plain cookies. Anyway, it is good to try to take the best of both. The app implements two special actions for this purpose:

  1. reconstructing missing worker IDs from stored cookie data
  2. firing Crowdflower webhooks for gold items (which are not ever fired by default).

Thus, when you are finished with a batch of transcriptions, you should run these two actions. The former is accessible from the Main menu as Reconstruct worker IDs, and takes some time to complete – please be patient waiting for the page to reload. The same applies for the latter action. The link's name is Fire hooks for gold items. This action should not be triggered before the formerly mentioned one, as the assignment of worker IDs to annotations is based on a heuristic and may be faulty.

How to export

Go to the Admin site (Admin option in the main menu) for Dialogues (click the link Dialogues at the main admin page). Select dialogues you wish to export using the checkboxes left of dialogue names, possibly with the help of filters or the search field. (Note also the Select all N dialogues link right of the search field if you check the checkbox in the header row.) From the Action rolldown menu, select the Export annotations option and click Go. The dialogue logs with annotations will be exported to data/export. Check the message at the top of the page that loads after the export is done for the exact path to the annotated logs directory.

After you export

After you have exported the data, you probably want to copy them back to the dialogue directories, possibly on a remote server. You can use the scripts/ script for copying the XML logs back to their directories after you put them back to the target server. You will see the script's usage instructions by running it without arguments.

Note that by exporting the data, you do not remove them either from the app's database nor from the filesystem. There is a dedicated view for doing exactly this, accessible from the main menu through the Delete dialogues option. After selecting the option, you will be asked for selecting the file list from which the dialogues you wish to remove came from. When you submit the form, the dialogues will be removed from the settings.CONVERSATION_DIR directory and from the app's database, including all recordings and annotations. Therefore, double-check that you have all your data copied to a safe place before you submit this form. Check also the following paragraphs.

BEFORE YOU REMOVE THE DATA from the database, you might want to measure work done for all the annotators, unless a different awarding scheme is in force. Use the Transcriptions admin page and the Measure work done action to get a report about the amount of work done by each annotator.

You may also want to export all dialogues with transcriptions currently marked as gold. Do that by setting the By gold status filter in Admin -> Dialogues to true, selecting all the dialogues after filtering and choosing the Export logs (annotations and audio) action. The logs will be exported to settings.EXPORT_DIR (data/export by default).

Random howtos

How to...

Load users from a dump

If you are starting an application with a new database where you had a running application earlier with users you want to have in the new application too, you can simply copy them from the original installation to the new one.

First, you need to have a dump of users of the original app. This can be easily obtained by running scripts/ This scripts writes dumps of the database to data/dumps/TIMESTAMP_trss-dump.json and data/dumps/TIMESTAMP_trss_users-dump.json. The latter is needed to copy users, the earlier contains all information about dialogues, transcriptions etc.

The dump is loaded to the new application easily by running its script like so:

$ ./ loaddata path-to-the-data-dump

Monitor a job, adjust gold settings

If you open the admin page for Dialogue annotations, you will see the newest annotations submitted. After clicking an annotation name, you can see all related transcriptions and replay the audio.

If you are worried whether your gold items are not too hard, select annotations from your workers (100 newest annotations will do) and choose the Show what transcriptions break gold action. This displays a listing of transcriptions that were compared to a gold one. Gold transcriptions are in bold. You can go to a User turn corresponding to each transcription shown on the listing and adjust the gold if needed. Alternatively, you can adjust the localsettings.MAX_CHAR_ER setting. If you do so, you should restart your web server for the change to take effect.

If you changed gold statuses of transcriptions or changed the localsettings.MAX_CHAR_ER value, you should now re-evaluate what transcriptions break gold. This is done from the Dialogue annotations admin page through the Update gold breaking statuses action.

Add more gold

The easiest way to add more gold is waiting for workers to transcribe a smaller number of dialogues and then just select transcriptions that are good enough and suitable as gold transcriptions. Start from the Dialogue annotations admin page, and set the By breaks gold: has no gold filter. Then, open annotations at random by clicking them, choose transcriptions that look suitable to be used as gold (they should be long and clear enough; avoid transcriptions that contain non-speech events by and large), mark Is gold for them and save. Because some workers who want to trick the app transcribe only the first turn and then copy it as transcriptions to other turns, be sure to not mark just the first transcription as gold for all dialogues.

You can later check how many gold dialogues you have by selecting the appropriate filter at the Dialogues admin page. You can tell Crowdflower about your new gold items by using the Update dialogue gold status on CF action from the Dialogues admin page.

When bootstrapping transcriptions for a new domain or language, you start with no gold. You may then gather the first few annotations with no gold or you may transcribe a few dialogues yourself to create gold. Anyway, if you start from the lowest price bins with the transcriptions, you can use you gold transcriptions as gold for higher price bins. Do this by selecting the lower price bin (one you have gold transcriptions for), and By gold status: true filters in the Dialogues admin view, selecting the dialogues shown, and choosing the Upload to Crowdflower (to a higher price class) action.


ASR transcription and SLU annotation web interface for call logs collected at UFAL-DSG.







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