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Pushing data to a browser makes for lively up-to-date page. GraphQL provides many advantages as well but we will not get into that here. This example brings together WebSockets and GraphQL through the use of GraphQL subscriptions. This example is written in Go using just the GGql package.
This example assumes familiarity with the GGql package. Simpler, first time examples for using GGql are:
As always, a GraphQL application needs a GraphQL schema. A very simple API is provided that allows getting, setting, and subscribing to changes in a price. The price is just a number and nothing more.
type Query {
price: Float
type Mutation {
setPrice(price: Float!): Float
type Subsciption {
listenPrice: Float
The players involved are the go application (of course), a browser for viewing updated prices, and a terminal for changing the price. The scenario is just 3 steps.
- Start the application.
- Open the browser for URL: http://localhost:3000/price.html
- Curl in a price change with a mutation.
The price change is then pushed to the browser and the new price displayed. Multiple browsers and multiple mutation calls are supported.
In this case a single float is the data being pushed. It could just as easily be a more complex object.
To run the example start in a terminal and type in:
$ go run *.go
That starts the server listening on port 3000. Next open a browser and go to http://localhost:3000/price.html. The page should show that the browser is connected with an initial price.
In a second terminal call the setPrice mutation.
curl -w “\n” -H “Content-Type: application/graphql” -d ‘mutation {setPrice(price:1.23)}’ :3000/graphql
The price on the browser page should change to the price provided.
For a WebSocket demonstration there need to be a client and a server. The client is a web browser that opens an HTML page with embedded Javascript. The server is in go.
The page shows a connection status and the price. On loading the page makes a GraphQL request with a request that asks to upgrade the connection to WebSockets.
On a successful connection the onopen
function is called. The
GraphQL query is then sent to the server. In this case just the query
is sent. Many servers might expect a JSON wrapper around the query but
this example allows for either.
When published events arrive the onmessage
function is called with
the message. The message data
is what was published by the server.
<p id="status"> ... </p>
<p id="price"> ... waiting ... </p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sock;
var url = "ws://" + document.URL.split('/')[2] + '/graphql'
if (typeof MozWebSocket != "undefined") {
sock = new MozWebSocket(url);
} else {
sock = new WebSocket(url);
sock.onopen = function() {
document.getElementById("status").textContent = "connected";
sock.onmessage = function(msg) {
data = JSON.parse(msg.data)
document.getElementById("price").textContent = "price: " + data["data"];
Three files are used, main.go, websoc.go and frame.go. The websoc.go and frame.go files are the implementation of the WebSocket functionality.
There are a few WebSocket packages available but since the protocol isn't very complicated it seemed better to keep dependencies down and expose how the WebSocket protocol works. The code is in the websoc.go and frame.go files.
The main.go file is the main part of the application that sets up the server and the resolvers.
main.go implements the server and sets up the
resolvers. Four types are used for the resolvers. As expected the type
names match the GraphQL fields. Note the addition of the ggql.Root
in the Mutation and Subscription types. The root will be used to set
up a subscription and to publish events.
type Schema struct {
Query Query
Mutation Mutation
Subscription Subscription
type Query struct {
type Mutation struct {
root *ggql.Root
type Subscription struct {
root *ggql.Root
The price is just a global variable. A more expansive application might use a cache or database.
var price = 1.1
The implementation of the resolvers is a mix of the GGql reflection and interface approaches. Reflection is used when possible for simplicity and the interface approach is used when needed. For getting and setting the price the reflection approach is employed. Right after setting the price in the Mutation an event is added that will be published to any subscribers.
func (q *Query) Price() float64 {
return price
func (m *Mutation) SetPrice(p float64) float64 {
price = p
if _, err := m.root.AddEvent("price", price); err != nil {
return price
The Subscription resolver uses the interface approach to resolve the
subscription. A new subscription needs the field
information to build the query result when it is triggered. The
interface approach includes that information when it is invoked so it
must be used instead of the reflection approach.
func (s *Subscription) Resolve(field *ggql.Field, args map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
switch field.Name {
case "listenPrice":
if ws, _ := field.Context.(*WebSoc); ws != nil {
ws.sub = ggql.NewSubscription(ws, field, args)
_ = ws.Send(price) // Sends an initial value.
return ws.sub, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("listenPrice subscription expected an upgradeable connection")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("type Schema does not have field %s", field)
The HTTP handler for the /graphql
endpoint needs to handle GET and
POST requests as well as WebSocket upgrade requests. Errors, if they
occur, are returned using the ResponseWriter so instead of returning on
error the flow of the function skips blocks of code if err
if not
nil. Early in the handler a check is made for whether the connection
should be hijacked or not. That check is whether the ResponseWriter is
also a Hijacker which is always is and whether there is an Upgrade
header set to "WebSocket". If so then a new WebSoc is created.
func handleGraphQL(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, root *ggql.Root) {
var result map[string]interface{}
var exe *ggql.Executable
var err error
op := req.URL.Query().Get("operationName")
vars := map[string]interface{}{}
if jvars := req.URL.Query().Get("variables"); 0 < len(jvars) {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(jvars), &vars)
var ws *WebSoc
if err == nil && strings.EqualFold(req.Header.Get("Upgrade"), "WebSocket") {
if jack, _ := w.(http.Hijacker); jack != nil {
ws, err = NewWebSoc(root, req, jack)
The code in this example is different than the other examples in that parsing and execution of a query is broken into two steps so that the WebSoc instance can be passed to the subscription call. Otherwise the GET and POST handling is similar to the other examples.
if err == nil {
if ws == nil {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "172800")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
switch req.Method {
case "GET":
exe, err = root.ParseExecutableReader(strings.NewReader(req.URL.Query().Get("query")))
case "POST":
defer func() { _ = req.Body.Close() }()
var contentType string
if cta := req.Header["Content-Type"]; 0 < len(cta) {
contentType = cta[0]
switch contentType {
case "application/graphql":
exe, err = root.ParseExecutableReader(req.Body)
case "application/json":
var jmap map[string]interface{}
var data []byte
if data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body); err == nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &jmap)
if err == nil {
if str, _ := jmap["operationName"].(string); 0 < len(str) {
op = str
vm, _ := jmap["variables"].(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range vm {
if vars[k] == nil {
vars[k] = v
if str, _ := jmap["query"].(string); 0 < len(str) {
exe, err = root.ParseExecutableString(str)
err = fmt.Errorf("%s is not a supported Content-Type", contentType)
case "OPTIONS":
err = fmt.Errorf("%s is not a supported method", req.Method)
For a subscription the parsed ggql.Executable
needs to be prepared
but walking the executable operations and fields and setting the field
Context with the WebSoc instance so that when the Resolve()
is called the WebSoc is available for use.
} else {
op = ws.Op()
vars = ws.Vars()
if exe, err = root.ParseExecutableString(ws.Query()); err == nil {
prepExe(exe, ws)
Stepping out of the handler for a moment and looking at the recursive prepare functions we see it is composed of two functions. Once walks the operations in the executable and the other recurses through the selections. The context on every field is then set to the WebSoc instance. Not every field needs to have the Context set but it was easier to set all for the example instead of checking path and field name.
func prepExe(exe *ggql.Executable, ws *WebSoc) {
for _, op := range exe.Ops {
for _, sel := range op.SelectionSet() {
prepSelection(sel, ws)
func prepSelection(selection ggql.Selection, ws *WebSoc) {
if field, _ := selection.(*ggql.Field); field != nil {
field.Context = ws
for _, sel := range selection.SelectionSet() {
prepSelection(sel, ws)
Back to the handler. With the operation and vars already set the resolver functions can be called.
if err == nil {
if result, err = root.ResolveExecutable(exe, op, vars); result == nil {
result = map[string]interface{}{"data": nil}
If the connection has been upgraded a response should not be written as the connection has been hijacked so just return.
if ws != nil {
For a non-hijacked request the results are formed and written as in other examples.
if err != nil {
if result == nil {
result = map[string]interface{}{
"errors": ggql.FormErrorsResult(err),
} else {
result["errors"] = ggql.FormErrorsResult(err)
indent := -1
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(req.URL.Query().Get("indent")); err == nil {
indent = i
_ = ggql.WriteJSONValue(w, result, indent)
Putting it all together the resolvers are setup and the schema SDL used to create a GGql root object. The Mutation and Subscription resolvers are given the root for use later and then it is on to the HTTP server setup.
func main() {
ggql.Sort = true
schema := &Schema{}
root := ggql.NewRoot(schema)
schema.Mutation.root = root
schema.Subscription.root = root
if err := root.ParseString(marketSDL); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("*-*-* Failed to build schema. %s\n", err)
GGql has a feature that allows the schema to be returned without building a nested introspection query. A handler for that is registered with just a few lines of code.
http.HandleFunc("/graphql/schema", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
q := r.URL.Query()
full := strings.EqualFold(q.Get("full"), "true")
desc := strings.EqualFold(q.Get("desc"), "true")
sdl := root.SDL(full, desc)
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(sdl))
The GraphQL handler is registered along with a handler to serve the price.html file and then the server is started.
// The primary endpoint.
http.HandleFunc("/graphql", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
handleGraphQL(w, r, root)
// The page with the Javascript that makes a WebSocket call.
http.HandleFunc("/price.html", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("price.html")
_, _ = w.Write(content)
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {})
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("*-*-* Server failed. %s\n", err)
The WebSocket code also includes support needed to interface with GGql. Near the top of the file is a counter used to generate a server unique identifier for the connection. It is only incremented and read atomically.
var idCount int64 = 0
Examining the WebSoc struct there is an id
needed later to
unsubscribe and to identify a subscription. Along with the id
the GGql root and subscription handle. These are used to
unsubscribe. When unsubscribing the upgraded connection should be
closed so the net.Conn
from the HTTP request is included in the
struct along with the buffered ReadWriter
. The reading and writing
doesn't really need to be buffered for this example but it would help
performance in a non-trivial application.
For query and mutations that make use of GET and POST requests the
parameters needed to resolve a query are either in the URL query or in
the body of a request. For WebSockets, neither the URL query nor the
body are passed from the Javascript call to the server. Instead the
parameters must be in a WebSocket message. The chosen approach to
passing the query parameters was to put them in the WebSoc struct
although they could have just been passed as return values from the
type WebSoc struct {
id string
root *ggql.Root
sub *ggql.Subscription
con net.Conn
rw *bufio.ReadWriter
query string
op string
vars map[string]interface{}
When upgrading a connection to a WebSocket connection a open handshake
response must be sent by the server. The NewWebSoc()
function not
only creates a new WebSoc struct but it also sends the accept response
of the handshake. In an attempt to keep as much of the WebSocket code
out of the main part of the code the NewWebSoc()
function also reads
in GraphQL query parameters.
func NewWebSoc(root *ggql.Root, req *http.Request, jack http.Hijacker) (ws *WebSoc, err error) {
id := atomic.AddInt64(&idCount, 1)
ws = &WebSoc{
root: root,
id: strconv.FormatInt(id, 10),
// Hijack the connection.
if ws.con, ws.rw, err = jack.Hijack(); err != nil {
// Build the acceptance message as the response in the open handshake.
h := sha1.New()
_, _ = h.Write([]byte(req.Header.Get("Sec-WebSocket-Key")))
_, _ = h.Write([]byte(wsMagic))
var accept []byte
accept = append(accept, "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"...)
accept = append(accept, "Upgrade: websocket\r\n"...)
accept = append(accept, "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"...)
accept = append(accept, "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: "...)
accept = append(accept, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))...)
accept = append(accept, "\r\n\r\n"...)
if _, err = ws.rw.Write(accept); err != nil {
if err = ws.rw.Flush(); err != nil {
While there is no strict definition of the content of the WebSocket exchange, JSON is often the format of the contents. With a bias toward avoiding the double encoding needed when using JSON (query encode as GraphQL and then as JSON) this example also support straight GraphQL as the content. If the message payload starts with a { it is assumed to be JSON otherwise a GraphQL subscription is expected.
var msg []byte
if msg, _, err = ws.read(); err != nil {
msg = bytes.TrimSpace(msg)
if 0 < len(msg) && msg[0] == '{' {
var j map[string]interface{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(msg, &j); err != nil {
ws.op, _ = j["operationName"].(string)
ws.vars, _ = j["variables"].(map[string]interface{})
ws.query, _ = j["query"].(string)
} else {
ws.query = string(msg)
Just before returing a listen loop is created that listens for close and ping messages.
go ws.listen()
When a new event is generated that data for that event is passed to
the subscriber, the WebSoc instance, using the Send()
function. The
event value is encoded a JSON and then written to the connection
usings the ReadWriter
func (ws *WebSoc) Send(value interface{}) error {
j, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"data": value,
if err != nil {
return err
f := newFrame(j)
if _, err = ws.rw.Write(f); err == nil {
err = ws.rw.Flush()
return err
An unsubscribe is triggered by either the client or the server closing
a connection. In both cases a close handshake should be initiated and
responded to. In practice this doesn't always occur but the
function makes an attempt to follow RFC 6455 but
ignores failures.
func (ws *WebSoc) Unsubscribe() {
if _, err := ws.rw.Write([]byte{0x88, 0x02, 0x03, 0xEB}); err == nil {
_ = ws.rw.Flush()
if ws.con != nil {
_ = ws.con.Close()
ws.con = nil
The read()
function must handle reads that don't come all at
once. This is particularly important for longer payloads. A working
buffer is created and then Read()
is called until the frame is fully
read. This is determined by the checking the expected size of the
frame with the number of bytes read.
func (ws *WebSoc) read() ([]byte, int, error) {
var f frame
var err error
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
var n int
for {
if n, err = ws.rw.Read(buf); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
f = append(f, buf[:n]...)
if f.ready() {
return f.payload(), f.op(), err
A WebSocket connection is bidirectional. The client should send a
close frame when disconnecting and ping messages could also be sent
which must be responded to. The listen()
loop function continues to
attempt a reads on the connection and responds to a ping with a pong
and a close with another close. A close response is follwed by an
unsubscribe and the closing of the connection.
func (ws *WebSoc) listen() {
for ws.con != nil {
_, op, err := ws.read()
if err == nil {
switch op {
case opPing:
// Send pong if a ping is received. Some browser might send a
// ping although I didn't come across one in testing.
if _, err = ws.rw.Write([]byte{0x80 | opPong, 0x00}); err == nil {
err = ws.rw.Flush()
case opClose:
if _, err = ws.rw.Write([]byte{0x88, 0x02, 0x03, 0xEB}); err == nil {
err = ws.rw.Flush()
if ws.con != nil {
_ = ws.con.Close()
ws.con = nil
if err != nil {
ws.con = nil
WebSockets makes use of frames to package payloads for exchange between clients and servers. The frame consists of a headers and a payload. The header includes an opcode such as for text, close, ping, pong, and others. Next is an encoded length that varies in size depending on length to be encoded. Following the length is the optional mask which is followed by the payload.
The frame type is a []byte
since only methods are needed to extract
information from a frame. Methods include getting the various parts of
the frame such as the payload, opcode, and expected length. A function
is also included to create a frame for a payload.
The format of a frame is defined by RFC 6455 which includes this diagram.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length |
|I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) |
|N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) |
| |1|2|3| |K| | |
+-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+
| |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 |
| Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data |
+-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
: Payload Data continued ... :
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Payload Data continued ... |