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Evidence 01. premium service popup usability test

fieldhuman edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 7 revisions

Objective: test business premium customers through the journey of getting a document legalised on a logged in account.

Summary points

  • Entry point - Some frequent users of the premium some felt the homepage was an extra unnecessary step for them. They will likely bookmark the next page. One user struggled to find the premium service.

  • The written information about saving card details was ignored by 3 users who just quickly clicked the 'pay' button.

User 1


  • Male
  • Age: 51
  • Occupation: Notary
  • 90% of his clients want same day service
  • Tech: Smart phone and internet savvy

Get your document legalised:

  • No issues

Choose a service

  • No issues, clicked start a premium application

Number of documents

  • As a repeat user he says he would set up a link to go straight to this page.

Additional Information:

  • Feels that the reference field slows him down "its not of interest to me." Because this has not been a part of the service before he has got used to adding his own reference by hand as to which client it was for.

  • Sees that it is optional so ignores it

Pay for your application:

  • No issues

Step 1: Select your payment method

  • Says this adds an extra page onto the existing system and feels it will slow him down.

Step 2: Enter your payment details

  • No issues

Step 3: Confirm your payment details:

  • No issues. skipped through. Did not read the remember these details text.

What to do next:

  • No issues. Clicks 'print cover sheet'

Application cover sheet:

No issues

User 2


  • Age: 23
  • Occupation: Notarial Clerk at Notary firm
  • Tech: Smartphone user / banks online

Get your document legalised:

  • No issues

Choose a service

  • No issues. Clicked 'Start a premium application'

Number of documents

  • No issues

Additional Information:

  • added a reference, as normally her company allocate references in that way.

Pay for your application:

  • No issues

Step 1: Select your payment method

  • No issues. Clicked VISA

Step 2: Enter your payment details

  • No issues.

Step 3: Confirm your payment details:

  • No issues. Noticed the remember card details prompt and unticked the box

What to do next:

  • No issues.

Application cover sheet:

No issues

  • asked if she still had to print out the form that she uses in the existing service too

On reflection:

  • "overall very straightforward"
  • Felt that the homepage was not straightforward. "It just says start now, I'm used to the standard and premium being displayed on the homepage". Would prefer those options to be the homepage on this version, instead of the next page. Thinks that the new landing page is useful for new users but not for her as she is used to using the service.

User 3


  • Age: 30
  • Occupation: Administrator at a Notary practice
  • Tech: Smart phone user

Get your document legalised:

  • No issues. Clicked 'start now' without bothering to read text below the button

Choose a service

  • No issues

Number of documents

  • No issues

Additional Information:

  • No issues. Entered a client name in the reference field

Pay for your application:

  • No issues

Step 1: Select your payment method

  • No issues

Step 2: Enter your payment details

  • No issues

Step 3: Confirm your payment details:

  • Ignored the save card details instruction. Moved quickly to 'pay'

What to do next:

  • No issues.

Application cover sheet:

Thinks the information displayed is all he would need to take to the service counter with how documents

User 4


  • Age: 36
  • Occupation: Legal advisor
  • Tech: smart phone 'everything online'

Get your document legalised:

  • Has some difficulties finding the premium service:

  • First looks for a premium service option on this page.

  • Next clicks on 'create an account to use the premium service' then clicks the back link which takes him to 'Choose a service' and finds the 'Start a premium application' button.

  • Remarks that his usual route into the service is to google 'premium legalisation service' and go straight to the premium service. He says he has found it difficult to find the premium legalisation service on the FCO site in the past

Number of documents

  • No issues

Additional Information:

  • Your reference: expects that his internal reference will appear on the FCO invoice

Pay for your application:

  • Perceives the 'Pay on Barclaycard SmartPay' button to mean the service only accepts barclaycard. "I don't have a barclaycard". Ignores the top paragraph that explains payment options. Clicks it anyway in the end.

Step 1: Select your payment method

  • This test shows a card already registered. He is not sure what CVC is. Guesses that it is the numbers on the back "Looks a bit suspicious to me!"

Step 2: Enter your payment details

  • No issues

Step 3: Confirm your payment details:

  • Does not refer to the save payment details instructions, or appear to read them.

What to do next:

  • When asked what he would after printing the document, he expects there to be another form to fill in to list number of documents and country of destination.

Application cover sheet:

  • No issues

On reflection:

  • Not easy to find the staring point of the premium service
  • He sees that the inclusion of internal reference is useful for accounting

User 5


  • Age: 47
  • Occupation: Admin / messenger for notary company
  • Tech: smart phone / uses tablets and computers

Get your document legalised:

  • No issues

Choose a service

  • No issues

Number of documents

  • No issues

Additional Information:

  • Says he doesn't usually use a reference so decides to skip the reference field

Pay for your application:

  • No issues

Step 1: Select your payment method

  • No issues

Step 2: Enter your payment details

  • No issues

Step 3: Confirm your payment details:

  • No issues

What to do next:

  • No issues.

Application cover sheet:

  • No issues