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Evidence 01. OAB premium service usability test 1

Mark Barlow edited this page Oct 12, 2015 · 8 revisions

Pop up testing of premium service users in Old Admiralty Building, Monday 28 September


  • capture first impressions; observe completion of end to end fast track application; explore account section in detail

We validated:

  • Speed on track so far, with one exception
  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Service choice page is an improvement, can compare services and find them easily
  • Countries being optional was welcomed; 1 user said remove it
  • Confirmation page all-in-one (payment, app ref) is an improvement over cover sheet
  • Account feature resonated strongly

Key issues:

  • Need number of documents per application in account
  • Need business name on registration
  • Terminology needs refining, confusion about "In progress" - before application submitted, or after submitted?
  • Expectations of account go beyond what we can deliver initially

User 10


  • 5 employees
  • Daily user of premium
  • End to end 1 person process
  • Daily internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 30-35
  • Male

Service choice:

  • Fine. Where is MK drop off? for first version. Then picked up on that showing up on alternate page later

Sign in:

  • Clear, simple


  • useful: yes, lots of info
  • Successfully completed filter task
  • Q: how long will it store historic transactions?

Documents & countries:

  • It’s fine


  • Welcomed payment and application details all on one page - saves paper and time


  • Simple
  • Missing Business name
  • Would expect an email after registering


  • Good and clear
  • No ratings

User 9


  • 1 employee, a notary public
  • daily user, London & postal
  • 1 person process, end to end
  • daily internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 41
  • Male

Service choice:

  • “Miles better"

Sign in:

  • OK


  • Time-saving; clear
  • Would expect tracking info if clicking “View”
  • Successfully used filters
  • Missing? No - very good

Documents & countries:

  • Optional is good


  • N/A


  • Simple enough
  • Missing? Company name
  • Would expect a confirmation page next


  • Very good, approves of the service, clear
  • Easy to use: 10
  • Fast to use for applications: 10
  • NPS: 10

User 8


  • 3 employees
  • 3-4 times per week premium user
  • 1 person process
  • daily internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 26
  • Male

Service choice:

  • OK, clear

Sign in:

  • OK


  • Customer couldn’t see the use / value in this section; later said it was helpful (check Simon?)
  • Expect tracking information
  • Successfully used filters
  • Missing? tracking info, postal and premium service

Documents & countries:

  • Likes ‘optional’ countries


  • Quicker


  • OK
  • Expect company name
  • Expect confirmation page next, but not an email


  • Some confusion around summary page ‘status’ and ‘filters’; but overall thinks its quicker and clear
  • Easy to use: 9
  • Fast to use for applications: 9
  • NPS: 10

User 7


  • 3 employees
  • daily user, both premium and postal
  • 1 person process
  • daily internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 21
  • Female

Service choice:

  • Clear

Sign in:

  • Clear


  • Useful
  • Expect continue to pick up an application already started
  • Expect view to show complete applications
  • Successfully used filters
  • Missing? Number of documents

Documents & countries:

  • Suggested remove countries box entirely


  • easier than current, happy


  • clear
  • Missing? company name
  • expect a confirmation screen next with login instructions


  • Easy, helpful, an improvement - everything online and confirmation page, clear
  • Easy to use: 9
  • Fast to use for applications: 9
  • NPS: 9

User 6


  • 5 employees
  • Twice a day premium, twice a week MK
  • 1 person process
  • daily internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 21
  • Female

Service choice:

  • clear, straightforward

Sign in:

  • clear


  • nice to have a summary and track applications
  • filtering easy
  • want postal application tracker

Documents & countries:

  • Clear after a few seconds how to add country


  • clearer and easier


  • straightforward
  • missing? company name, company registration number
  • expect confirmation screen next and email


  • not difficult, more useful, more user control, step by step easy
  • Easy to use: 9
  • Fast to use for applications: 4
  • NPS: 7

User 5


  • 20 employees
  • Mon, Weds, Fri
  • 1 person process
  • 3-4 times per week internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 47
  • Male

Service choice:

  • clearer than now

Sign in:

  • First impression: great


  • saves time, useful
  • expect to continue application
  • expect to view previous application
  • Filters used successfully, self-explanatory
  • Missing? number of documents per application

Documents & countries:

  • No need for extra cover sheet - useful


  • Much better than paper form


  • simple, fine
  • Missing business name
  • expect confirmation email next


  • Better than now, less paperwork, clear
  • Easy to use: 9
  • Fast to use for applications: 9
  • NPS: 9

User 4


  • 3 employees
  • almost daily
  • 1 person process
  • daily internet user, shopping, movies
  • Age 46
  • Male

Service choice:

  • clear

Sign in:

  • clear


  • useful, links self-explanatory
  • filters used successfully
  • nothing missing

Documents & countries:

  • clear, easy to use


  • easy to print


  • ok, simple
  • missing company name
  • expect to see confirmation email and page


  • Good, user friendly, clear
  • Easy to use: 9
  • Fast to use for applications: 8
  • NPS: 9

User 3


  • <20 employees
  • twice a week, premium
  • 1 person process
  • regular internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 30-40
  • Female

Service choice:

  • Quite good. Don’t have to go to a few pages like you do at present (we use both services)

Sign in:

  • Security? Wants reassurance. Share computers at work


  • “Standard would be post, right?”
  • View: expects to see whether despatched, payment satiates, reasons for rejection, contact details
  • In progress: interpreted this as status once in office, not status before submitting
  • Successfully used filters, including in conjunction with one another

Documents & countries:

  • N/A skipped for speed


  • N/A skipped for speed


  • N/A skipped for speed


  • quite easy, once layout
  • Easy to use: 10
  • Fast to use for applications: N/A (skipped full application flow)
  • NPS: 10

User 2


  • 3 employees, notarial practise
  • daily user
  • 1 person process
  • regular internet user, shopping & banking
  • Age 20-30
  • Female

Service choice:

  • Like the comparison, much clearer than present, more convenient all in one page
  • Prefer not to see the MK drop off option as they don’t use it

Sign in:

  • easy


  • like it, “oh, an account!”, spots that it aggregates different services and welcomes that
  • Expect to see “invoice” if click View, and reference number for the courier if standard postal service
  • Filters used successfully, “very convenient”
  • Missing? Number of documents per batch

Documents & countries:

  • Useful, assuming it removes the need to print the current cover sheet


  • As number of docs and countries not shown on this page, thought may still need to fill in that separate sheet. Needs to be clear


  • very easy, not too much information
  • Missing company name
  • expect to see some kind of check that company exists as next step


  • live the service choice page; love the account page - see what is going on with documents, what is outstanding; generally clear, quite straightforward, quite happy, not too much information
  • Easy to use: 10
  • Fast to use for applications: 9
  • NPS: 10

User 1


  • 50 employees
  • 4-5 times per day
  • regular internet user, shopping but not banking (trust)
  • Age 50-60
  • Male

Service choice:

  • Easy

Sign in:

  • Easy


  • quite easy
  • Thinks In Progress = submitted and being processed
  • Expects to see status; wouldn’t want scans of documents to come up (privacy); wants to know about delays
  • used filters successfully
  • scrolled to bottom to start application, as used to continue buttons there - but we only have this option at top on this screen

Documents & countries:

  • (No comments)


  • would print the page, or send link to it


  • As Find address button is styled like continue button, and happened to be last visible element on screen, initially thought this was the end of the page


  • easy, clear
  • Easy to use: 10
  • Fast to use for applications: 10
  • NPS: 9