This repository is the code for a website displaying NOAA post-storm imagery, USGS information on storm impacts, and ML based prediction of where washover occured.
- bin: for locally hosted external dependencies
- data: holds storm resources
- src: project-specific css and js files
- admin.js: for adding storms (gathering noaa tiles and creating new storm directory) and updating map contents to reflect root storm directory changes)
- index.html
- src/js/map.js: The main script which contains code for initializing the map
- src/js/Storm.js: Object used for loading storm layers
- src/js/Util.js: all other custom functions used
- storm_config.json: File used to specify/configure map storm contents (order in which they appear in the storm selector and which resources to enable for each storm)
- Clone project on local machine
- Install dependencies (npm install)
- Run "node admin.js" at command line
- Enter "add" at prompt to gather NOAA tile images and create new storm directory
- Add other resources to new storm directory according to file naming convention below
- Run "node admin.js"
- Enter "update" to add new resource layers to the map
- To remove from map only (temporary), delete storm entry from storms_config.json and update storm contents using admin script delete storm directory
- To remove from the project entirely, delete given storm directory and update contents using admin script
- USGS overwash predictions: ""
- USGS overwash observations: ""
- NOAA NHC Hurricane Tracks: ""
- ML observations of washover: "ml_pred.csv"
- jQuery@3.5.1
- bootstrap@4.5.2
- fontawesome@5.14.0
- leaflet.js@0.6.4
- leaflet.markercluster@1.4.1
- shp.js
- leaflet.shpfile.js
- popper.js@
- tile.stamen.js
- Jamison Valentine - Lead Software Developer
- Evan Goldstein - Lead Scientist
- Somya Mohanty - Oracle