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jianping edited this page Oct 22, 2017 · 6 revisions

Moose Enemy


The moose enemy extends from enemy entity. The moose enemy will randomly move around the map, but will attack when within a certain range of a player. The moose enemy is also larger in size than other enemies.


  • Random movement
  • Reduced damage scaling in comparison to other enemies
  • Ability to heal other enemies

Ability to Heal

The ability to heal is a brand new feature within the game and is currently exclusive to the moose enemy. When a moose is within 0.1f of another enemy it will heal the enemy.

Initial Values

Speed: 0.04f | Health: 100f | Targets: GoalPotate (when in range) | Attack speed: 1000 | Attack range: 0.5f |


relevant variable

The enemy type has to be a array that contain the partly enemy texture. set array size to one if there is no animation else set array size greater one. the array size also relate to the texture refresh frequency,larger size array will slowdown frequency. The array size no longer relate to texture refresh frequency.Please use the set method call setDealyTime() to setup the texture refresh frequency

private static final transient String[] ENEMY_TYPE


the enemyState represent enemy current status are being attacked or walking.

public void enemyState();

The isAttacking method is using to detect enemy being attacked or not.

public boolean isAttacking()

Setup the texture refresh time

public void setDelayTime()

Setup the texture length.important 👍 Please set the correct texture length otherwise will jump to default

Public void setTextureLength

How to add animation

Texture setup

The animation texture are all separated to multiply parts by "_". A complete texture is made up of the following parts:

  • enemy type
  • enemy status(walk,attack,death.....)
  • enemy direction(N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,w,NW..)
  • enemy texture number(1,2,3,4,5....) for example:bear_walk_N_1 add the more than one enemy type texture into array

enemy state setup

setup enemy status through enemyState method add a one line code setEnmeyStatus(String) into add a delay for enemy setDelayTime(int) add a texture length setTextureLength(int) in order to get correct texture Please feel free to create Boolean method for detecting the enemy state and add into enemyState method for texture change condition



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