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Path Manager (Team 1)

gohzenhao edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 8 revisions

Path Manager


The path manager is the creation and allocation of paths for enemies to follow. Each enemies will be assigned only one path at a given time. The path allocated for each enemy will not be the same. Paths assigned to enemies can either target the player or target a building. Further implementation of paths to target other things is still underway.



Populates the internal graph representation of the path manager with nodes and edges based on the initial world state.

onTick(Box3D player)

Runs on every game tick to know where the player is at.

optimiseGraph(Box3D start, Set vertices, Map<DoubleBox3D,float> edges)

generatePath(Box3D start, Box3D goal)

returns an array of connecting nodes from start (enemy) to goal (player)



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