The CMAQ-Adjoint model is an active and evolving open-source development effort led by various collaborators that augments CMAQ with backward/reverse sensitivity analysis capabilities.
The distributed version is built upon CMAQ4.7.1 structure and CMAQ5.0.2 science modules. The current version of the CMAQ-Adjoint is not fully consistent with the most recent version of CMAQ and is developed outside EPA. It is available for research use at this time.
The CMAQ-Adjoint model is offered “as is” and without any express or implied warranty. The model development team disclaims liability for any form of harms or damages resulting from the use of the model in any application.
Users of CMAQ-Adjoint are asked to cite the following publication [to be updated] as a reference to the development effort.
Zhao, S., Russell, M. G., Hakami, A., Capps, S. L., Turner, M. D., Henze, D. K., Percell, P. B., Resler, J., Shen, H., Russell, A. G., Nenes, A., Pappin, A. J., Napelenok, S. L., Bash, J. O., Fahey, K. M., Carmichael, G. R., Stanier, C. O., and Chai, T.: A Multiphase CMAQ Version 5.0 Adjoint, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,, in review, 2019.
A user guide for installing and running the model is included in the distribution. The development team will try to help users with problems they may face in running the model; however the team does not include dedicated technical support staff to ensure timely support. Users are asked to post and discuss potential questions, problems, or bug reports on the CMAS Center Forum (
The CMAQ-Adjoint code will be hosted at this location at a later time, but is currently accessible through the following external repository: (