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Interactive Distance Field Mapping and Planning to Enable Human-Robot Collaboration


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IDMP - Interactive Distance Field Mapping and Planning to Enable Human-Robot Collaboration

This is the code for IDMP, implementing a gaussian process based distance and gradient field algorithm.

This codebase is implemented using ROS in both C++ and Python.


We present an interactive distance field mapping and planning (IDMP) framework that handles dynamic objects and collision avoidance through an efficient representation. Given depth sensor data, our framework builds a continuous field that allows to query the distance and gradient to the closest obstacle at any required position. The key aspect of this work is an efficient Gaussian Process field that performs incremental updates and implicitly handles dynamic objects with a simple and elegant formulation based on a temporary latent model.


  • Python3
  • C++14
  • ROS Noetic
  • Eigen
  • OpenMP (for multithreading. optional but strongly recommended)
  • sensor-filters (sudo apt install ros-noetic-sensor-filters)
  • point-cloud2-filters (sudo apt install ros-noetic-point-cloud2-filters)
  • robot-body-filter (optional for removing the robot from the pointcloud.) ()sudo apt install ros-noetic-point-cloud2-filters)
  • Camera specific ros driver
  • For Python tools:
    • numpy
    • OpenCV 4.9.0
    • Open3D (for evaluation only)


IDMP is provided as catkin package

  • clone the package into the src folder of your workspace
  • run a catkin build
  • resource your workspace

Running IDMP

Launch Files

We provide a few launch files to get started:

  • realsense.launch: Launches the realsense driver, publishes the camera pose as TF and runs IDMP
  • zed.launch: Launches the zed driver, publishes the camera pose as TF and runs IDMP
  • kinect_UR5e.launch: Launches the Azure Kinect driver, an inoffical UR5e Ros driver, a filter node that filters the robot points and IDMP. Note that we use our own custom Universal Robots Ros Driver and not the official one.

You can run these with roslaunch idmp_ros {name}.launch.

The camera pose has to be published as a TF transform. This is already done in the launch files. To change the pose, adjust the corresponding parameters in the static transform publisher args

Running IDMP standalone

If you do not want to use a launch file, you can also run the IDMP node standalone

rosrun idmp_ros idmp

Keep in mind that it needs the parameters of the config file in the parameter server at launch. You can lode these with rosparam load {file}.yaml.

These config also contains the topics of the input pointcloud, the camera intrinsics and the reference frame. Make sure to adjust these to your setup.

Running Benchmark Datasets

The Datasets can be found here:

Running the dataset with IDMP:

  • Launch the corresponding launch file (run_cow_and_lady.launch or run_dynamic_ball.launch)-
  • Play the rosbag
  • To visualize the distance field and gradients, run the query tool rosrun idmp_ros

Using multiple cameras

Idmp supports the use of multiple cameras to capture a bigger scene. For this, each camera has to publish its pose as TF and its intrinsic parameters as CameraInfo message. The pointclouds of the cameras need to be merged into one pointcloud (preferably in the base frame), before being fed into IDMP.

  • Merge pointcloud of all cameras. (For example using something like this)
  • set the merged pointcloud topic as input for IDMP
  • for each camera, add the cameraInfo topic and the TF frame name to the list in idmp_caminfo_topic.
  • idmp_caminfo_topic for two cameras might look like this:
    - ["/camera_1/depth/camera_info", "camera_1_depth_optical_frame"]
    - ["/camera_2/depth/camera_info", "camera_2_depth_optical_frame"]


We provide a set of tools to interact with IDMP for testing and demonstration purposes. You can run these with `rosrun idmp_ros {tool}.py

  • calibPose: This can be used to calibrate the camera pose using an aruco marker. Adjust the topics and marker parameters for your setting and run the script. Make sure the determined pose is aligned properly and copy the output into your launchfile to replace the transform.
  • queryTool: This creates an interactive marker and queries a distance field slice. It is then published and can be visualized in RVIZ. You can adjust the slice properties and make it move by setting the corresponding variables in the file.
  • cowAndLadyInfoPub: This publishes the pose topic found in the cow and lady dataset as TF and the cameraInfo for the kinect
  • evalTool: This is similar to the queryTool but it can load a groundtruth pointcloud and calculate real time metrics like RMSE
  • speedMove: This is a basic implementation of obstacle avoidance with repulsive vectors by querying the distance field. This needs a robot driver to run and sends velocity commands to control the robot.
  • The eval folder contains some tools used to evaluate our results for the publication


All IDMP parameters can be found as yaml files in the config folder. These need to be loaded into the parameter server before launching IDMP.

Parameter Description Recommended Value
idmp_rleng Cluster overlap factor for GP training 1.8
idmp_tree_hl_min Octree half-length min 0.025
idmp_tree_hl_max Octree half-length max 3.2
idmp_tree_hl_clust Octree half-length of cluster 0.05
idmp_tree_hl_init Initial octree half-length 1.6
idmp_map_scale Kernel map scale 1024
idmp_filt_outl Enables outlier filtering for input True
idmp_pub_pcl Publish the pointcloud of the octree for visualization True
idmp_world_frame Reference frame (needs to be published as TF) "base_link"
idmp_pcl_topic Topic of input pointcloud "/points_filt"
idmp_caminfo_topic List of cameraInfo and tf pose pairs for every sensor " - ["/depth/camera_info", "depth_camera_link"]"
idmp_dynamic Enables dynamic object mode True
idmp_fusion Enables local fusion False
idmp_dyn_tresh Dynamic movement treshold 0.08
idmp_fus_min Fusion minimum treshold 0.0005
idmp_fus_max Fusion maximum treshold 0.01


Interactive Distance Field Mapping and Planning to Enable Human-Robot Collaboration







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