Full-stack Java Project, John Bryce - Java course (end) project.
The Coupon System Project acts as a Micro Service, that shows an implementation which allows companies to CRUD coupons for their customers. then the Customers can purchase and use those Coupons, and get a discount in that company's "business".
The Admin of the system have some extra utilities, such as:
monitor and view information that is gathered by the transactions.
Used technologies:
Backend: Spring Boot.
-Libraries: web, spring-data-JPA(Hibernate).
-Build tool: Maven.
Frontend: Angular 7.
-Libraries: animate.css, materialize-css.
-Build tool: npm.
Database: MySQL.
main entities(*):
Admin – can create, read, update, delete -> companies, coupons & customers.
Company – can create, read, update, delete coupons.
Customer – can check available coupons, purchase them and check list of purchased coupons.
Guide How-To-Use:
Register your 'USER' via register page,choose:
Then Login with that 'USER'.
then depends on the ClientType you choose for your 'USER',
you can interact with the Coupon functionalty(view, buy, sell...)