An easy-to-use kanban app that allows users to keep track of the progression of multiple projects using the "To Do", "In Progress" and "Done" categories, as well as mark task priority.
- User Story
- Images with application functionality
- Tech/framework used
- Project Link & Repository
- How to Install
- Contributors
- License
User Story:
AS A web dev student, I have many assignments and projects to keep track of
I WANT to be able to have a visual of my workflow based on status (To-Do, In Progress, Done), as well as the priority of each task
SO THAT I can better organize and manage my work and my time
- Node.js:
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Handlebars
In order to install and run this project on your local machine you need to follow the next steps:
- Fork the GitHub project to your local machine.
- In your terminal type
npm i
to install all node packages. - Open the project and find file
and add your MySql password. - Open MySql Workbench and run the
. - In your terminal type
node server.js
, it should show you that app is running on your local server 8080. - Open your browswer and type
. Now you should have running this app on your local machine.