The Ft_printf is a custom implementation of the C language's printf function, created as a part of the 42 curriculum. The printf function is widely used in C programming for formatted output. This project aims to provide a simplified version of printf with support for a subset of format specifiers and options. This project emphasizes understanding of variadic functions, parsing, and managing different data types, crucial skills for more advanced programming tasks. For more detailed information, look at the subject of this project.
You need to download or clone this git repository.
git clone
The repository contains all functions source code, and the Makefile that can be used to compile. In the repository's root directory runs on the terminal the following codes:
To build the library and link the files: make
To compile your code you can do: cc yourmaincode.c libftprintf.a
To clean the .o files: make clean
To clean all .o files and the libftprintf.a: make fclean
To clean all .o files, the libftprintf.a and build the library libftprintf.a and the Mandatory files .o: make re
The Printf library supports a subset of format specifiers that are commonly used in the Printf function. Here is a list of the supported specifiers:
%c - Character
%s - String
%d - Signed decimal integer
%i - Signed decimal integer
%u - Unsigned decimal integer
%x - Unsigned hexadecimal integer (lowercase)
%X - Unsigned hexadecimal integer (uppercase)
%p - Pointer address
%% - Literal % character
Contributions to the Printf library are welcome! If you have any ideas, improvements, or bug fixes, please submit them as issues or pull requests to this repository. Make sure to follow the contributing guidelines when submitting your changes.
- 👋 I'm
Uatilla Viana Almeida
. - 🌱 I'm currently studying Common Core at 42 Porto after successfully completing the Piscine.
- 👀 I'm interested in
of all kinds. - 🚀 Additionally, I have an interest in
,Data Analysis
andProject Management
. - 📫 You can reach me on LinkedIn.
- 🤔 Feeling amazing about how AI can help our society.