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Snow lidar time-lapse for snow surface morphology and wind transport flux estimate


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S. Filhol and L. Girod. 2021 See the file LICENSE for copyrights (MIT License)

Snow lidar time-lapse for snow surface morphology and wind transport flux estimate.


Snowyowl is a set of tools written in Python to acquire and process point clouds from Livox lidar Horizon. The setup consists of one lidar Livox Horizon, one Raspberry Pi, and one Desktop machine. The Pi acquires the raw data stored in .bin files. It pushes the data then to the desktop computer. The Desktop computer:

  1. converts the .bin point clouds into .las
  2. crop the .las and store the cropped pointcloud into .laz compressed file
  3. compute a raster from the point cloud with bands (min, max, mean, count, ) using the library pdal
  4. interpolate the min raster with gdal fillnodata
  5. combine and compress daily the raster into single netcdf files
  6. There is an option to push the data to an external server via scp.

The folder /analysis contains juptyer notebooks and python script to process and post process the data. For instance how to create animations of the snow surface.

The lidar sensor, the Pi, and the desktop machine are assumed to be on the same local network as they need high bandwidth/speed to transfer data, and require the SSH protocol to communicate.

All hardware design available in the folder hardware, and Python App in appV2.

Python App

Code Structure

  1. Objectives:
  • 1m2 subsample column vertical from lidar stored in .las
  • DEM of the swath (if possible 10cm) stored in netcdf (use
  1. 5-10s acquisition (Python SDK Pylivox):
  2. derive subsample 1m2 column every 10-20s
  3. derive DEM every 10min
  4. trash initial .las record
  5. Pi pushing derived data via SCP or FTP to UiO

IMPORTANT: automatic startup

Install Environments for Acquisition and Processing

Acquisition Computer

After installing Raspbian on microSD follow these steps:

# Set ssh connection to Processing computer
ssh-copy-id <user>@<processing_machine>

# Clone SnowyOwl repository
mkdir github
cd github
git clone
git clone
cp SnowyOwl/appV2/example_config.ini ~/config.ini

nano config.ini
# Add the proper config settings

# Install miniconda
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

# create a Python VE
conda create -f conda_env_acquire
pip install github/OpenPyLivox

crontab -e
# add the following line to the Crontab to transfer files every 30 minutes:
# Push raw livox file in tmp to snowyowl machine and archive file to SSD
26,56 * * * * bash /home/livoxpi/git/SnowyOwl/appV2/
#1,31 * * * * /home/livoxpi/miniconda3/envs/livoxenv/bin/python /home/livoxpi/git/SnowyOwl/appV2/ -cf /home/livoxpi/config.ini
@reboot sleep 30 && /home/livoxpi/miniconda3/envs/livoxenv/bin/python /home/livoxpi/git/SnowyOwl/appV2/ -cf /home/livoxpi/config.ini

# Create two folders one for temporary storage of data and one for archiving
mkdir <project_path>/tmp
mkdir <project_path>/archive

# Allow to reboot computer with no password (as connection to lidar is unstable after couple hours)
# Reboot after each scp file transfer
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/reboot_privilege`
#add line : 
<user> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot

sudo apt-get install fail2ban

The Snowyowl App has an email warning system in case the lidar is not responding or data are not acquired. It will attempt to reboot the lidar prior to sending an email.

To setup the email client, include the correct SMTP server and port, as well as the destination address in the config.ini file. Then in your .bashrc add the username and password information.

export MAIL_USER_LIVOX=my_password

Processing Computer

# Set ssh connection to Processing computer
ssh-copy-id <user>@<storage_machine>

# Clone SnowyOwl repository
mkdir git
cd git
git clone
cp SnowyOwl/appV2/example_config.ini ~/config.ini

# Install miniconda
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

# create a Python VE
conda env create -f conda_env_process.yml
conda activate snowyowl

# newest laspy version not compatible yet
pip install laspy==1.7

# install manually openpylivox
cd git
git clone
pip install -e OpenPyLivox/.

nano config.ini
# Add the proper config settings

crontab -e
# add the following two lines to the Crontab
0 4 * * * /home/lucg/miniconda3/envs/snowyowl/bin/python /home/lucg/git/SnowyOwl/appV2/ -cf /home/lucg/config.ini
5,35 * * * * /home/lucg/miniconda3/envs/snowyowl/bin/python /home/lucg/git/SnowyOwl/appV2/ -cf /home/lucg/config.ini

# Create two folders one for temporary storage of data and one for archiving
mkdir <project_path>/las_raw
mkdir <project_path>/las_crop
mkdir <project_path>/las_referenced
mkdir <project_path>/OUTPUT
mkdir <project_path>/archive
mkdir <project_path>/TIFs

# fail2ban is a piece of software to ban IP addresses that tries over and over to ping open ports (for instance port 22 open here)
sudo apt-get install fail2ban
# see how to configure

Lidar Power Setup

The lidar power (12V 3A) can be controlled by a relay on the Raspberry Pi. By default the relay is connected to power the lidar. The lidar power is connected to Relay 1.

To turn the lidar off:

from relay_lib_seeed import *

# apply a delay


The librayr is not installed in an environment so cd git/seeed-studio-relay-board to find the python files.

This exposes a series of functions to your application:

  • relay_on(int_value) - Turns a single relay on. Pass an integer value between 1 and 4 (inclusive) to the function to specify the relay you wish to turn on. For example: relay_on(1) will turn the first relay (which is actually relay 0 internally) on.
  • relay_off(int_value) - Turns a single relay on. Pass an integer value between 1 and 4 (inclusive) to the function to specify the relay you wish to turn on. For example: relay_on(4) will turn the first relay (which is actually relay 3 internally) off.
  • relay_all_on() - Turns all of the relays on simultaneously.
  • relay_all_off() - Turns all of the relays off simultaneously.


  • Send email if no tif to compile into NetCDF at end of day (as a daily failure check)
  • change logic of pi reboot. Find out if rebooting lidar can solve the connection problem (currently rebooting every 30min)
  • htere seem to be prb de timestamo, at least for the first test. Check the DEMs are named properly. Check this out
  • find out where the Campbell laser is pointing out to recenter the pointcloud crop on it
  • find out how to do some logging within the functions outside the main statemment of the scripts. See this stackoverflow
  • find out more aboute the ~2m band with no point in the point clouds right above the surface
  • figure out rotation matrix as it is rather empirical at the moment
  • Check when OpenPyLivox will upgrade code to be compatible with laspy v2 that it can export .laz directly. Change code accordingly then
  • install fail2ban on the Pi. Check if echobase has banned IPs


Snow lidar time-lapse for snow surface morphology and wind transport flux estimate







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