Web application that loads data(exchange rates) from a third-party service into an internal PostgresQL database. Implemented API requests operate on a local database (i.e. retrieve data from a database). API contain two methods:
- Request for a list of exchange rates for all sources, with average market rates.
- Request to issue a list of average exchange rates for all sources for the period.
- https://api.monobank.ua/docs/
- https://minfin.com.ua/ua/developers/api/
- https://api.privatbank.ua/#p24/exchange
- Java17
- Gradle
- Spring Boot 3.0.6
- Tomcat
- Hibernate
- PostgresQl
- Swagger
- REST, DTO and other patterns
- Clone this repo.
- Start your PostgreSQLServer
- Create DB from int_db.sql script in resources.
- Create application.properties file in src/main/resources folder with data as in application.properties.sample file and fill in your data(login, password, url, driver) in src/main/resources/application.properties file.
- Start app from: com/example/exchangerateapp/ExchangeRateAppApplication.java file. Enjoy the app.
- Start app as in previous chapter.
- Enter http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html and you`ll see all the needed Swagger UI functional and REST endpoints ;)
You can start Swagger UI from this url: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
You can check how the app work in this video presentation: https://www.loom.com/share/77c32cdf3d0b48a6926b94d0df39439a
Good luck. With