E-commerce web application developed using Java 8, Spring Boot and MySQL
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This application begun as Virtusa intern Project in june 2020.
E-commerce web application developed using Java 8, Spring Boot and MySQL.
It’s platform where you can look for products and signup to take as many products you want.
Uses FreeMarker as the template engine for the Frontend, which was styled using Bootstrap.
The backend is developed in Java 8, using Spring Boot with Spring MVC, Spring JPA and Spring Security and some other additional dependencies.
The development database and production database uses MySql.
If you want to run it locally on your system you will need:
1.Eclipse/Spring Tool Suite(STS)
thats it.NOW
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/UlbertAO/vyntra.git
Import the project in your favorite IDE mentioned above.
For more details go through documentation