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Development Guide: Main Feast Repository

Please see Development Guide for project level development instructions.


This guide is targeted at developers looking to contribute to Feast components in the main Feast repository:

Making a pull request

Forking the repo

Fork the Feast Github repo and clone your fork locally. Then make changes to a local branch to the fork.

See Creating a pull request from a fork

Pre-commit Hooks

Setup pre-commit to automatically lint and format the codebase on commit:

  1. Ensure that you have Python (3.7 and above) with pip, installed.
  2. Install pre-commit with pip & install pre-push hooks
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type pre-push
  1. On push, the pre-commit hook will run. This runs make format and make lint.

Signing off commits

Use git signoffs to sign your commits. See for details

Then, you can sign off commits with the -s flag:

git commit -s -m "My first commit"

GPG-signing commits with -S is optional.

Incorporating upstream changes from master

Our preference is the use of git rebase [master] instead of git merge : git pull -r.

Note that this means if you are midway through working through a PR and rebase, you'll have to force push: git push --force-with-lease origin [branch name]

Feast Python SDK / CLI

Environment Setup

Setting up your development environment for Feast Python SDK / CLI:

  1. Ensure that you have Docker installed in your environment. Docker is used to provision service dependencies during testing.
  2. Ensure that you have make, Python (3.7 and above) with pip, installed.
  3. Recommended: Create a virtual environment to isolate development dependencies to be installed
# create & activate a virtual environment
python -v venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Upgrade pip if outdated
pip install --upgrade pip
  1. Install development dependencies for Feast Python SDK / CLI
pip install -e "sdk/python[dev]"

Code Style & Linting

Feast Python SDK / CLI codebase:

  • Conforms to Black code style
  • Has type annotations as enforced by mypy
  • Has imports sorted by isort
  • Is lintable by flake8

To ensure your Python code conforms to Feast Python code standards:

  • Autoformat your code to conform to the code style:
make format-python
  • Lint your Python code before submitting it for review:
make lint-python

Setup pre-commit hooks to automatically format and lint on commit.

Unit Tests

Unit tests (pytest) for the Feast Python SDK / CLI can run as follows:

make test-python

⚠️ Local configuration can interfere with Unit tests and cause them to fail:

Integration Tests

To get tests running, you'll need to have GCP / AWS / Redis setup:


  1. Install Redis: Quickstart
  2. Run redis-server


  1. Install the Cloud SDK.
  2. Then run login to gcloud:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
  1. Export GCLOUD_PROJECT=[your project] to your .zshrc


  1. TODO(adchia): flesh out setting up AWS login (or create helper script)
  2. Modify RedshiftDataSourceCreator to use your credentials

Then run make test-python-integration. Note that for GCP / AWS, this will create new temporary tables / datasets.

Feast Go Client

⚠️ Feast Go Client will move to its own standalone repository in the future.

Environment Setup

Setting up your development environment for Feast Go SDK:


Build the Feast Go Client with the go toolchain:

go build

Code Style & Linting

Feast Go Client codebase:

  • Conforms to the code style enforced by go fmt.
  • Is lintable by go vet.

Autoformat your Go code to satisfy the Code Style standard:

go fmt

Lint your Go code:

go vet

Setup pre-commit hooks to automatically format and lint on commit.

Unit Tests

Unit tests for the Feast Go Client can be run as follows:

go test

Feast on Kubernetes

⚠️ Feast Terraform will move to its own standalone repository in the future.

See the deployment guide of the respective cloud providers for how to work with these deployments: