Unique SDK Kotlin is a Kotlin library for dealing with polkadot blockchains.
Use the Maven Central to download unique-sdk-kotlin.
And also you can download our library for key management on Android.
First of all, create Signer and SDK Object
// Create signer from suri and password
val signer = Sr25519SignerWrapper(seed, seedPassword, false)
// Or generate signer with password
val signer = Sr25519SignerWrapper(null, seedPassword, true)
// Or generate signer without password
val signer = Sr25519SignerWrapper(null, null, true)
// Assign signer to SDK static field
UniqueSdk.signerWrapper = signerWrapper
// create SDK god object. First parameter - signer, second - base url of backend of blockchain
val sdk = UniqueSdk("https://rest.opal.uniquenetwork.dev")
Signer has sign
function for payload signing. When you using UniqueSdk
methods they automatically use inner
signer passed by parameter.
After we can use inner services of SDK
// Getting balance service for balance reading or manipulation
val balanceService: BalanceService = sdk.balanceService;
Some methods of service can be used with many parameters based on template, which we named Mutation
One of these mutations is balance transfering.
/// Getting balance transfering mutation
val transferService = balanceService.getTransfer();
has three main methods for executing:
- Build
- Sign
- Submit
Let's see how it's working
// Creating payload for balance transfering
val transferBody = TransferMutationRequest(
// Build transaction
val transferResponse = transferMutationService.build(transferBody)
val signBody = UnsignedTxPayloadResponse(
// Sign transaction via inner signer
val signResponse = transferService.sign(signBody)
val submitBody = SubmitTxBody(signResponse.signerPayloadJSON, signResponse.signature)
// Submit transaction and track result with web server
val submitResponse = transferService.submitWatch(submitBody)
After all executions we can see transaction hash
val collectionService = sdk.collectionService
val createCollection = collectionService.getCreateCollection()
val request = CreateCollectionMutationRequest(
name = "Sample collection name",
description = "sample collection description",
tokenPrefix = "TEST",
address = "5DnUE1uV7iW25bUriWVPHY67KMm2t6g5v23GzVbZCUc8fyBD",
mode = CreateCollectionMutationRequest.Mode.nFT,
metaUpdatePermission = CreateCollectionMutationRequest.MetaUpdatePermission.itemOwner,
permissions = CollectionPermissionsDto(
access = CollectionPermissionsDto.Access.normal,
mintMode = true,
nesting = CollectionNestingPermissionsDto(
tokenOwner = true,
collectionAdmin = true,
val createCollectionResponse = createCollection.build(request)
val signCollectionBody = UnsignedTxPayloadResponse(
val signCollectionResponse = createCollection.sign(signCollectionBody)
val submitCollectionBody = SubmitTxBody(signCollectionResponse.signerPayloadJSON, signCollectionResponse.signature)
val submitCollectionResponse = createCollection.submitWatch(submitCollectionBody)
val collectionExtrinsic = extrinsicService.getExtrinsicStatus(submitCollectionResponse.hash)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.