This scene contains the VR interactions and the placeholder NPC.
This object houses all the VR related objects.
This group of objects house the VR input objects.
This object is deactivated by default, because the SimulatedCameraRig is activated in place of it.
This object should be activated when a real headset is wanting to be used (deactivate SimulatedCameraRig as well).
This object is a mock Camera Rig set up that can be used to develop with VRTK without the need for VR Hardware.
Disable it when the UnityXRCameraRig is activated.
These objects are the Boolean actions when the button is pressed.
Each of these objects are a list of sources (boolean actions) that activate the described object.
These are VR game objects that have scripts to do interactions in the scene.
Activating the Curved Pointer object and once it is deactivated, the player will be teleported to the location.