Releases: UnscriptedLogic/unity-game-DesoliteTanks
Alpha v0.1.0
This is the base version of the game with its basic features.
Alpha v1.2.3
A much more polished version than the previous release. Whilst majority of the game-play has remained the same, some additional features and graphics have been added.
Here are the new tanks added to the game:
- Bore Tank
- Shielded Bore Tank
- Sniper Tank
- The Great Bore Tank (Now with small entrance animation! woah XD)
Some power ups have received a graphics upgrade. Most notably being the 'Time Stop' power up and a minor behavior change: A 2 second delay before activating the ability and a 0.4 second delay before the entity is affected.
Thank you to those who have play tested the game along the way. It really means a lot to me. 😃
So much has happened between the release so for the full development logs visit:
Alpha v1.0.0
Code base revamped. Streamlined a lot of scripts, rewritten lots of functions. On the front, the game has not changed much but in the code, it looks different from v0.
- 5 total maps (Lanes, Sight, Covers, Ranks, Ghosty)
- Map selector
- Data storing (username, high-score)
- Game-play adjustment (spawning rates)
- Leader boards (Work in progress)
- Support Page (Buy me a coffee!,
- Minor bug fixes