Shizafitness by Shayakhmetov Madi and Mukatay Omar from CS-2101 for advanced python course. Shizafitness is an anime fitness website that was created with flask application to train your body based on anime characters!
INSTALLATION: You need to download whole folder "arise" from github, and that it is all that needed for installation. :)
USAGE OF CODE: You need open folder "arise" with your vscode or other application. After that run the "" in your vscode. This will give you the url for the website (, it is the main page for the Shizafitness. Next you need to sign up and log in, into your account. After that, you will have an access to anime characters' training routine.
USAGE OF SHIZAFITNESS ITSELF: On this stage of development, you have 8 anime characters: Akaza, Garou, Jotaro, Zoro, Kokushibou, Ichigo, Josuke and Sasuke. You can choose any character that you want and download the training routine!.
EXAMPLE: For example, click the button train on character named "Akaza". After that, you will be moved to Akaza's page. You will get basic information about character and some photos of him. Also, you will have two options: "Start the training" and "Get more info". If you want to know more about this character, than you can press "Get more info". If you 100% sure that you will train, then press "Start the training" and download the file.