Due to the unavailability of course contents from the department of Biomedical Engineering at NED University of Engineering and Technology, this series of markdowns were compiled by Usairim Isani
All Course Contents can be verified from other department websites from NED University of Engineering and Technology and HEC.
PDFs for all courses
Markdowns for all courses
- pandoc
- latex tools
- vscode
- linux
# To generate complete course contents using pandoc
pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --toc --toc-depth=2 -V geometry:margin=1in course_content/* -o pdf/course_content_bme_2017.pdf
# To generate pdf of CONTENTS
pandoc -f markdown+emoji --variable mainfont="DejaVu Sans" --pdf-engine=xelatex -V geometry:margin=1in CONTENT.md -o pdf/CONTENT.pdf
# To generate pdf of README
pandoc -V geometry:margin=1in README.md -o pdf/README.pdf
# A python utility to create PDFs for each course.
python3 utils/create_pdfs.py
Please send in a PR if you find issues or inaccuracies.