Wrapper around terraform plan that provides a cleaner output as to what is being provisioned or destroyed.
tfw <arguments> Arguments: <terraform args> All the arguments that terraform normally supports. -show-create Shows the resources to be created -show-update Shows the resources to be updated -show-delete Shows the resources to be destroyed or replaced -show-all Shows all of the above changes -destroy-plan Create plan for terraform destroy -verbose Increase the output verbosity (Defaults to false) -help Show this message.
# Plan for Applying (Shows resource changes when running terraform apply)
tfw -verbose -show-all -var-file=test.tfvars
tfw -show-all -var-file=test.tfvars
# Plan for Destroy (Shows resource changes when running terraform destroy)
tfw -verbose -destroy-plan -show-all -var-file=test.tfvars
tfw -show-all -destroy-plan -var-file=test.tfvars