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general_log_plus is a framework for processing/expanding MySQL's
general_log. With general_log_plus, one can easily add columns or
process/clean/reduce or otherwise massage the data in the general_log.


Selectors are strings which are placed in the WHERE clause of the
query that pulls data from the general_log.


Prefilters are functions that take a row of the raw general_log and
return True or False. If a prefilter returns False on a row, that row
will be skipped. Prefilters can always be converted into Processors
that raise SkipRowExceptions, but skipping rows earlier can be more
efficient. There are several functions for generating certain
prefilter functions in, or you can defined them yourself
with 'def' or 'lambda' (the normal ways for defining callables in


The heart of general_log_plus, Processors are objects that have 2

    1.) inputs - A list of input column names (taken from either the
    raw general_log, or the output of a previous Processor)

    2.) outputs - A list of output column names, which will be added
    onto each row (columns are not deleted from the record until the
    final step), unless they are overwritten.

and one function process(), which takes the values of the input
columns for a row and returns the computed values of the output
columns. process() may raise a SkipRowException if the row being
processed should be skipped (removed from the log).

Processors that need to process the data in a certain order may
specify this order in one of two ways:

    1.) With the sql_sort_by attribute

    2.) With the sort_column and sort_reverse attributes, which are
    passed to Python's sorted() builtin function

Only one sorted Processor in a given job can use 1.), and it must be
used before any other sorted Processor (sorting is performed between

Sorted Processors which keep track of state can be used to to achieve
the following interesting things:

    - Naive estimation of query performance (by checking time elapsed
      since the previous query in the session)

    - Annotating log entries with the database used, by looking at
      'Connect' log entries and 'USE <database>' queries

Some Processor classes can be found in


A Job defines the selectors, Prefilters, Processors, and final output
columns (a subset of the union of output columns of each step, and the
raw general_log columns). To run a job, construct a Job object and
invoke its run() method.

NOTE: for now, we assume tables get reduced all at once.


When more queries are run on your system (and the general_log
increases in size), running the Job again will select only those
queries newer than the newest query in the processed log. In order for
the state of all Processors to be retained, they must be Pickled. The
file extension for a general_log_plus job is .glpjob

TODO: If the sort order is not by event_time, this will be a problem^

TODO: Decide on serialization paradigm


A framework for processing/expanding MySQL's general_log






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