Repository for the reasoning module of TIM (A Transparent, Interpretable, and Multimodal Personal Assistant).
This package works with Python 3.8 in Linux and Mac.
- Install the reasoning module from Github repository:
$ pip install git+
For using the new SessionManager
from tim_reasoning import SessionManager
sm = SessionManager(
message = [
"pos": [-1.2149151724097291, -0.4343880843796524, -0.6208099189217009],
"xyxyn": [0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4],
"label": "tortilla",
"id": 1,
"status": "tracked",
"last_seen": 133344374307946261,
"state": {
"in-package": 0.02,
"plain": 0.45,
"peanut-butter[initial]": 0.25,
"peanut-butter[full]": 0.2,
"pb+jelly[partial]": 0.02,
"pb+jelly[full]": 0.02,
"nutella[partial]": 0.02,
"nutella[full]": 0.02,
"nutella+banana[partial]": 0.02,
"nutella+banana[full]": 0.02,
"nutella+banana+cinnamon": 0.02,
"folding": 0.02,
"folded": 0.02,
"cut": 0.02,
"rolling": 0.02,
"rolled": 0.02,
"rolled+toothpicks": 0.02,
"ends-cut": 0.02,
"sliced[partial]": 0.02,
"sliced[full]": 0.02,
"on-plate[partial]": 0.02,
"on-plate[full]": 0.02,
"hand_object_interaction": 0.89,
"pos": [-1.2149151724097291, -0.4343880843796524, -0.6208099189217009],
"xyxyn": [0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4],
"label": "spoon",
"id": 10,
"status": "tracked",
"last_seen": 133344374307946261,
"unexpected_object": True,
"hand_object_interaction": 0.8,
"pos": [-1.2149151724097291, -0.4343880843796524, -0.6208099189217009],
"xyxyn": [0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2],
"label": "peanut butter jar",
"id": 2,
"status": "tracked",
"last_seen": 133344374307946261,
"hand_object_interaction": 0.0,
# Logger Usage:
log = Logger(name='example', level=logging.DEBUG)'This is an info message')
log.debug('This is a debug message')
log.warning('This is a warning message')
log.error('This is an error message')
log.critical('This is a critical message')