This is a search tree where you can provide any kind of data in data.json file and you have a search filter to retreive data when in need.
- test1
- test1.1
- test1.2
- test2
- test2.1
- test2.2
- test2.2.1
- test2.2.2
Input: enter "test" in text box and click on search or enter "test*" in text box and click on search
Output: It will display all like below (because in output test keyword is present every where)
- test1
- test1.1
- test1.2
- test2
- test2.1
- test2.2
- test2.2.1
- test2.2.2
Input: enter "test1" in text box and click on search
Output: It will display all like below (because in output test keyword is present every where)
- test1
- test1.1
- test1.2
Installation procedure.
- React and React DOM.
npm install --save react react-dom
- Webpack, Babel
Plese follow instructions here,,, which i referred.
- ES6 Spread Operator
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread refer this link for installation,
- Redux
npm install --save redux
- React Router
npm install --save react-router
- Middlewares.
npm install --save redux-promise
npm install --save redux-thunk