This is a Weather Prediction Application written in Kotlin. The application provides real-time weather information for any location around the world. Users can input a city name or zip code to get information on the current weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other related information.
I am using to get all the data using JSON file.
First, you have to create a account.
Then, generate a a unique API key to get all the data from the JSON file.
API key calling from this website :
- Current weather
- Minute forecast for 1 hour
- Hourly forecast for 48 hours
- Daily forecast for 8 days
- National weather alerts
- Historical weather data for 40+ years back (since January 1, 1979)
Single API key on have
Launch the application on your device.
Input a city name or zip code in the search bar and press the "Search" button.
The application will display the current weather conditions for the selected location.
Please fork this repository and contribute back. Any contributions, large or small, major or minor features, bug fixes, are welcomed and appreciated but will be thoroughly reviewed.