A port of Scintilla.NET to Eto.Forms as cross-platform control.
Current Support:
- Gtk / Linux
- Wpf or WinForms / Windows The macOS part will probably not be created by me as I have no exprerience of how to use those Cocoa Objective C controls in .NET framework. Hopefully someone can help with that.
The code base of this project is based on the Scintilla.NET WinForms implementation. The API is not fullu compatible as some of the members have been renamed due typos, etc.
To run the test application (Linux / Windows):
git clone https://github.com/VPKSoft/Scintilla.NET.Eto.git
cd Scintilla.NET.Eto
dotnet run TestApplication.sln
dotnet run --project TestApplication/TestApplication.csproj
The version: The package versioning is semantic except the fourth number indicates the native Scintilla control. E.g. 5320 →
Linux, GTK:
Windows (Eto.Wpf):
- JetBrains for their open source license(s).