Some config for various software that I use on various machines.
- python3
- shell:
zsh oh-my-zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting
- cli tools:
exa bat fd ripgrep
- text editors:
neovim helix
- wayland compositor related:
sway swayidle swaylock swaybg wofi
- screenshot tools:
grim slurp swappy
- notifications:
- topbar:
waybar nwg-bar(AUR) nm-applet pavucontrol brightnessctl
- multimonitor/dock:
- neovim (nvchad custom config) run
after install.
Simply run ./
to install the required softwares (using pacman)
and copying the config files to $HOME/.config/
In order to quickly update the dotfiles git repo or the local config use
./ (local|remote)