This is a MacOS release of the following tools
ldecod :
Usage: ldecod <lot of options>
Decodes 3D H.264 video streams, which ffmpeg cannot do directly
yuvsbspipe :
Usage: yuvsbspipe -w <width> -h <height> -l left-stream.yuv -r right-stream.yuv -o output-sbs.yuv
Reads 2 YUV streams from 2 files/named pipes and output a single YUV Side-By-Side or Top-Above stream to a file/named pipe
Which I use in my iMacOS workstream to convert 3D blurays to mkv for viewing on VR devices.
Also included in the repository for completeness is...
mkv2mkv :
Usage: mkv2mkv input-file output-file
convert audio/video files with optional H.264 video rencoding and aac audio reencoding.
3D H.264 input video (with MVC) can be reencoded to Side By Side
naluparser :
Usage: naluparser [-stat] [-v] [-nalucount #] [-mkv] [-annexb] < inputFile > outputFile
Parses Annex-B or mkv style H.264 NALU packets and optionaly convert it to another bitsream format
produces statistics on NALU types used in stream
I don't use these and have no idea if they work.