These will include link to every single project i've done by following the flutter course by Dr. Angela Yu in udemy
this app only shows an image just like the joke app back then in iOS. here's the [the app]( this app is like a business card [the app]( RNG app that consists of 2 dice, will roll by click [the app]( The tests [the app]( app that plays do re mi fa sol la si [the app]( simple game that ask 10 trivia questions [the app]( simple game of choices to determine the ending [the app]( app to calculate your BMI [the app]( Weather and degree app that uses a openweathermap API. [the app]( Bitcoin rate to currency app that uses coin API. [the app]( chatting app that is using firebase. [the app]( an app that create a to-do-list [the app](