Modern C++ Opengl 3D Snake example.
- J, I, K, L - snake move
- R - hide / show radar
- M - stop / play music
- V - show / hide shadows
- B - enable / disable blur effect
- F - enable / disable fog effect
- W - enable / disable rain and rain drops
- 1 - switch to cube head
- 2 - switch to pacman head
and press button "2" switch to new animated head style
and with shadows and skybox
and blur effect activated
and fog effect
and rain with drops
- assimp -
- stb_image - v2.27 - public domain image loader -
- tiny_obj_loader - v2.00 - obj model loader -
- OpenAL
- ALut
- freetype2
- glut, GLU, GL, GLEW