stepRNA is a RNA-seq read processor, based on bowtie2, that will align small RNA-seq query reads (passenger sequences) to reference sequences (siRNAs) and output information about the type and length of overhangs uncovered. It was originally developed for uncovering Dicer processing signatures but is not limited to just this.
Table of Contents:
Please report any issues to the stepRNA GitHub page or via email:
- or (Ben Murcott)
- (Vicky Hunt)
In order for stepRNA to run you must have:
- Bowtie2 >= v2.3.4 (see BOWTIE2 website for more details)
- biopython >= v0.3.0 (automatically installed with pip)
- numpy >= v1.19.0 (autoamtically installed with pip)
- pysam >= v0.16.0.1 (autoamtically installed with pip)
To install with pip (recommended):
pip install stepRNA
To upgrade to v1.0.6
pip install --upgrade stepRNA
If this doesn't work due to non-root access issues see Installing into a Virtual Environment
To install from source:
- Download stepRNA-1.0.6.tar.gz
- Unzip it
- Move into stepRNA-1.0.6 repository
- Run the installation
tar -xvzf stepRNA-1.0.6.tar.gz
cd stepRNA-1.0.6
python3 install
Installing into a Virtual Environment
This can be useful if root privalages are not available to the user.
- Create a virutal environment (recommend using virtualenv):
pip install virtualenv
- Create and activate the environment:
- Run the installation
virtualenv stepRNA_env
source /stepRNA_env/bin/activate
pip install stepRNA
See the documentation for a detailed description on how to use stepRNA (MANUAL)
The quickest way to use stepRNA:
stepRNA --reference REFERENCE --reads QUERY
This will align the reads to the reference sequences and output into the current diretory using the READS filename as the prefix. REFERENCE and QUERY must have unique FASTA headers (if not use -u
Helpful options:
can be used to customise the prefix name--directory
can be used to specify an output directory
Using the reads from stepRNA/example_data/experimental_data:
stepRNA --reference stepRNA/example_data/experimental_data/26G_embryo.fa --reads stepRNA/example_data/experimental_data/LF_embryo.fa --directory stepRNA_example
This will create a new direcotry called stepRNA_example that contains:
- LF_embryo_AligmentFile/; a directory containing BAM files for each of the overhang lengths
- CSVs; containing count information
See the MANUAL for more information
Latest release notes:
Version 1.0.6 - 28 Feb, 2023
- Update to to include alive_progress
See NEWS for historical updates of release notes
stepRNA is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
For more information:
- Go to FAQs to see commonly asked quesitons
- Look at the USER MANUAL to see detailed instructions and all of the available options
If you use stepRNA in your work please cite: