This is an Angular based website with a futuristic theme, created to provide an interactive shopping experience showcasing stylish and innovative fashion. The website consists of four main pages: Home, Items, About Us, and Contact.
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine 2.Install dependencies using npm install 3.Run the development server using ng serve 4.Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ to view the website
The Home page is the main page of the website, where users can view the models wearing the clothing items.
The Items page displays a catalog of available products, where users can filter items by category, price, and other criteria.
The About Us page provides information about the website and its creators, including the vision and mission behind the website, and the models involved.
The Contact page allows users to send Contact the website creator.
This website was built using the following technologies:
- Angular
- TypeScript