pip install aiomql
- Asynchronous Python Library For MetaTrader 5
- Build bots for trading in different financial markets using a bot factory
- Use threadpool or proccesspool executors to run multiple strategies on multiple instruments concurrently
- Record and keep track of trades and strategies in csv files.
- Utility classes for using the MetaTrader 5 Library
- Sample Pre-Built strategies
import asyncio
# import the class
from aiomql import MetaTrader
from aiomql import Account, Terminal
from aiomql import TimeFrame, OrderType
async def main():
# Initialize Terminal
terminal = Terminal()
mt5 = MetaTrader()
await mt5.initialize()
# create Account
account = Account(account_number=30371334, password="nwa0#anaEze", server="Deriv-Demo")
# login with account
await account.login()
# connection status with the account.connected property
res = "Login Successful" if account.connected else "Unable to login into account"
# set account properties
account.risk = 0.10 # percentage of account equity to risk i.e 10%
account.risk_to_reward = 3
# get symbols available for the account if login was successful
if account.connected:
symbols = await mt5.symbols_get()
# print timeframe constant for five minutes
await terminal.shutdown()
import logging
from aiomql import Bot
from aiomql.lib import ForexMarket, FingerTrap
fmt = "%(asctime)s : %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log', format=fmt, level=logging.DEBUG)
market = ForexMarket()
bot = Bot(market=market)
# Finger strategy on all instruments in the forex markets
# This assumes that a mt5.json config file with account_number, password and server keys is available
see docs