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V!nc3r edited this page Feb 1, 2021 · 28 revisions
Overview Description
global options
  • only selected: apply Materials operations only on selected objects, or not
misc Misc: common operations
  • BackFace On/Off: toogle backface culling on materials settings, also on viewport shading mode
  • Detect Blend Mode: detect if alpha is used, if so set Alpha Blend to materials settings, Opaque if not
  • Name from Object: autoname materials using the following pattern objName.matID.000
active texture Active Texture: set up active texture node
  • Set viewport shading: configure viewport shading so as to actually see the active texture switching (set viewport shading to Solid > Texture color type)
  • Albedo / ORM / [...]: try to detect if choosen texture type is in material nodes, and set the texture node active if so
glTF glTF workflow: help to handle glTF materials workflow
  • Active textures nodes: mute/unmute texture nodes depending of your choice, especially useful for texture baking.
    • ORM Chans:
      • if ORM is a unique image, ReTiCo unlink/link outputs from the Separate RGB node
      • if ORM are separated images, ReTiCo just mute individual texture nodes
  • Mute all / Unmute all: mute/unmute all textures nodes.
Fix Fix: help to avoid wrong setups
  • Colorspace: set sRGB to albedo & emissive, Non-Color to others
  • UV links: check if UV Map & Normal Map nodes are correctly linked to UV mesh channels. It detects Blender default, glTF, and ReTiCo UV naming convention.
Reports Report: help to find common material issues, shown on Info popup.
  • update selection: reports will modify your selection when something is spotted.
  • to clipboard: in addition to Info popup, reports will be available in your OS clipboard.
  • no Mat: meshes without any materials.
  • 1+ Mat: meshes using multimaterials.
  • Shared: meshes using instanced materials.


  • Backface culling:


  • Active texture node:

active texture node

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