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Releases: Vinc3r/ReTiCo
Releases · Vinc3r/ReTiCo
Smoothy (fix)
A very tiny fix about Set autosmooth
UIiii !
- New: UI is now splitted into sub-categories, allowing better navigation
- New: detect if selection is empty while "only on selection" is active, and tell the user about the situation
- glTF workflow: allow to mute/unmute individual ORM channels
- if ORM is a unique image, ReTiCo unlink/link outputs from the Separate RGB node
- if ORM are separated images, ReTiCo just mute individual texture nodes
- emissive texture node are detected more efficiently
- Active texture category now have its own sub-panel
Worldwide expansion
Yup, first time I'll take about this addon at "large" scale (understand : thread on forums + social networks).
- new: Reports can modify selection if needed #55
- new: Ability to operate only on selected objects, or not
- new: reports can be sent to clipboard #62
- UI cleaning
- doc' is now on Github wiki
- new: Blend mode (in material settings) is set according to alpha value
- new: objects using multimaterials can be reported #52
- new: objects sharing materials can be reported #54
- new: active texture operations can set viewport shading to Solid -> Texture mode
- fix: mute/unmute better detection for emit nodes #53
- fix: better detection of textures colorspace #36
- better detection of uv map name in material nodes (Materials -> gltF -> Fix -> UV links) #44 #36
- backface culling enhanced #58
- new: report to detect instanced meshes
- autosmooth option to delete custom normals, or not
- Active uv1/2 not anymore create uv chan if missing (this wasn't user friendly)
At least, a name
Please search for "nothing-is-3D" in your addons list, if exists, delete it before installation.
- addon name is now ReTiCo for Real Time Companion
- versionning now use date (more convenient)
- object names can be put in OS clipboard
- orm, normal & emit textures nodes can now be activated as well as albedo (useful when in viewport shading solid-texture)
- ability to names material using object names and material id with pattern
- report objects without materials and/or object with empty material indexes
- create an uv chan when using "Activate" button when it doesn't exists
- create an uv1 chan when using "Box mapping" button when it doesn't exists
- fixed: emissive texture node no longer set as linear but sRGB
- fixed: Box mapping in Edit mode only applied on selected faces
- Documentation updated
Good bye Polycount panel
You can now find the stats/polycount part in a dedicated addon:
going to Blender 2.8
Addon converted to Blender 2.8, and comes with improvements, some including glTF workflow.
Doc' not ready yet.
Multifile addon
Not a big change for usability, except for stats now shown in the Properties > Scene panel
stats console error
Just a little fix when no object was selected.