There are three code generator types written using the same mechanism:
A generator that generates DALs (Data Access Layers) for various databases (Oracle, MS SQL Server, Postgres, SQLLite, DB2) in various languages (C#, Java, C++, Python, VB).
A generator that generates IDL (Interface Definition Language) RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) using Client/Server for various languages.
A generator that generates Parameter Control Table maintenace code. A front end written in C# that maintains any ADO.NET Database.
This mechanism or paradigm follow the same coding pattern. There is a parser generator or compiler compiler written using javacc for the tokenising and grammar parsing. Each defines a domain specific language with some crossover capabilities. These generators are written in plain old java and they are maintained in Eclipse, but any text editor and javac would suffice to maintain them. They produce a generic class network database. They use public members and are not getter setter based classes. They also have a minimum of methods. They produce a tree structure of the compiled source.
The compiled tree then is available to be used by generators to compile code to be used by any computer language, current or future. This system has been used for many projects and applications over the last 20 years, very successfully. It used to be Java 1.1 based as there were ide's written in C# to maintain code. Dropping the ide usage and the need for J# has freed up this restriction.
See Building JPortal below.
This project now includes a vagrant file to simplify the building process To use vagrant, first install the vagrant tool for your platform from Then, from a command shell (windows or linux) run the following commands:
user@localmachine:~/jportal> vagrant up
user@localmachine:~/jportal> vagrant ssh
The vagrant up command will take a while, as it will download a Linux VM to run the compile in, and it will then install all the required tools.
vagrant ssh will let you SSH into the newly created and running VM.
Once you are ssh'ed into the vm, issue the following commans to build the generators:
vagrant@vagrant:~$ cd /main/jportal/
vagrant@vagrant:~$ mkdir build && cd build
vagrant@vagrant:~$ cmake ..
vagrant@vagrant:~$ make
That will build the generators, and place the jar files in /main/jportal/generators/bin.
If you just want to build jportal, you can issue
vagrant@vagrant:~$ make target_jportal_jar
vagrant@vagrant:~$ make help
to see all possible build targets.
Lastly you can use
vagrant@vagrant:~$ make VERBOSE=1 [<target>]
for debug info.
To stop the VM once you are done, you can issue:
user@localmachine:~/jportal> vagrant halt
The tools used to build this are
- cmake - minimum 2.8
- eclipse - Version: Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)
- javacc - SF JavaCC Eclipse Plug-in feature 1.5.32 Rémi Koutcherawy
- pydev - PyDev for Eclipse Fabio Zadrozny
- pydev - Pydev Mylyn Integration 0.6.0 Fabio Zadrozny
- CocoR - Compiler Generator Coco/R, Copyright (c) 1990, 2004 Hanspeter Moessenboeck, University of Linz extended by M. Loeberbauer & A. Woess, Univ. of Linz
- ported from C# to Java by Wolfgang Ahorner
- ported to C++ by Csaba Balazs, University of Szeged
- with improvements by Pat Terry, Rhodes University
- log4j - Apache log4j-1.2.17.jar
- Oracle DB Developer VM with VirtualBox - OTN_Developer_Day_VM.ova
- oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
- oracle-instantclient12.1-basiclite-
- oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-
- oracle-instantclient12.1-jdbc-
- oracle-instantclient12.1-odbc-
- oracle-instantclient12.1-precomp-
- oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-
- oracle-instantclient12.1-tools-
- postgresql - 9.4
- postgresql-9.5.0-beta2-3-windows.exe
- cmake-2.8.5-win32-x86.exe
- codeblocks-13.12-setup.exe
- jdk-8u65-windows-i586.exe
- mingw-w64-install.exe
- postgresql-9.5.0-beta2-3-windows.exe
- PyScripter-v2.5.3-Setup.exe
- PyScripter-v2.5.3-x64-Setup.exe
- python-2.7.9.msi
Assuming the repository has been checked out to /main/jportal. The cmake is used from /main/jportal/build, build is in .gitignore so initially one must do a 'mkdir' of it and from it do a 'cmake ..'. Once the cmake has been made and as long as all the required tools are in place, 'make' should complete an initial build.
There is a wrinkle - the current source is /main/jportal based on windows c:\main\jportal - this is not a cmake problem, but in the anydbmake having /main/jportal hardcoded - I will look into fixing this - but using c:\main\jportal should suffice for now. A stategic use of mklink /J should solve most problems.
I am running on linux mint 17.3 Rosa, which is debian based. Installing oracle client software is quite trial and error. But I do now have the client connecting to the Developer Days stuff. Of course we use sudo alien -i ... to install the instantclient stuff. The linux mint is a superb desktop environment, IMNSHO it is the route Microsoft should have gone, but when you business model is Total Resale every 3-5 years, more the pity.
I have quite good success on a Windows 7 VM - I am not using Visual Studio for the cmake, but using mingw - using unix build - I am also using git bash for the make terminal.
The class tree for JPortal starts with a single Database instance. As can be seen from the structure below a database consists of various properties and Vector lists.
class Database
- String name, output, server, schema, userid, password, packageName
- Vector Table tables, String flags, Sequence sequences, View views, String imports
class Table
- Database database
- String name, alias, check
- Vector Field fields, Key keys, Link links, Grant grants, View views, Proc procs, String comments, String options, String allUsers, Parameter parameters, Const consts
- boolean hasPrimaryKey, hasSequence, hasTimeStamp, hasAutoTimeStamp, hasUserStamp, hasExecute, hasSelect, hasInsert, hasDelete, hasUpdate, hasStdProcs, hasIdentity, asSequenceReturning, hasBigXML, isStoredProc
class Proc
- Table table
- String name
- int noRows
- Vector Field inputs, Field outputs, String dynamics, Integer, dynamicSizes, Boolean dynamicStrung, String placeHolders, Line lines, String comments, String options
- boolean isProc, isSProc, isData, isIdlCode, isSql, isSingle, isAction, isStd, useStd, extendsStd, useKey, hasImage, isMultipleInput, isInsert, hasReturning, hasUpdates
class Sequence
- String name
- int minValue, maxValue, increment, startWith
- boolean cycleFlag, orderFlag
class View
- String name
- Vector String aliases, String lines, String users
class Field
- String name, alias, defaultValue, checkValue
- byte type
- int length, precision, scale, bindPos, definePos
- Vector String comments, Enum enums, String valueList
- String enumLink
- boolean isPrimaryKey, isSequence, isNull, isIn, isOut
- static final byte
- static final int
- static final int
class Key
- String name;
- Vector fields, String options
- boolean isPrimary, isUnique
class Link
- String name, linkName
- Vector String fields, String linkFields, String options
- boolean isDeleteCascade
class Flag
- String name
- Object value
- String description
class Enum
- String name
- int value
class Grant
- Vector String perms, String users
class Const
- String name
- Vector Value values
class Value
- String key, value
The class tree for Crackle starts with a single Module instance. As can be seen from the structure below a database consists of various properties and Vector lists.
class Module
- String sourceName, name, version, packageName
- int signature, countOfHashes, messageBase
- Message messages, Table tables, Structure structures, Enumerator enumerators, Prototype prototypes, String pragmas, String code, String imports
class Message
- String name, value
class Table
- String name;
- Vector Message messages
class Structure
- static final byte
- String name, header
- Vector String categories, Field fields
- byte codeType
- Vector String code;
class Enumerator
- String name
- Vector String elements
class Prototype
- static final byte
- String name, message
- Type type
- Vector Field parameters, Action inputs, Action outputs, String categories
- byte codeType
- Vector String code
class Action
- String name
- Vector Operation operations
class Operation
- static final byte
- String name
- byte code
- boolean isConstant
- Field field
class Field
- String name
- Type type
- Action input, output
- boolean isInput, isOutput, hasSize
class Type
- static final byte
- String name
- byte typeof, reference
- boolean isUnsigned
- Vector Integer arraySizes
The class tree for Pickle starts with a single Application instance. As can be seen from the structure below a database consists of various properties and Vector lists.
class Application
class LinkTable
- Link link
- String name
class ValidationTable
- Validation validation
- String name
class RelationTable
- Relation relation
- String name
- boolean from
String name, descr, version, output, server, user, password, registry
Vector Table tables, Relation relations, String flags, LinkTable missingLinks, RelationTable missingRelations, ValidationTable missingValidations, Field supplieds
Validation validationInit, validationAll, validationOther
int charSize, descrSize
class Table
- Application application
- String name, descr, alias, check
- Vector Field fields, String comments, String options, Field order, Field show, Field breaks, Value values, Link links, Key keys
- Validation validation
- boolean useSequence, useChar, noDomain, viewOnly, isNullable
class Field
- String name, alias, check, type
- int length, precision, scale
- boolean isNull, isUppercase
- Vector String comments, Enum enums
- static final byte BOOLEAN=4, BYTE=8, CHAR=12, DATE=16, DATETIME=20, DOUBLE=24, INT=28, LONG=32, SEQUENCE=36, SHORT=40, TIME=44, TIMESTAMP=48, USERSTAMP=52
class Relation
- Application application
- String name, descr, alias, fromShort, toShort
- Table fromTable, toTable
- Vector Field fromFields, Field toFields, String fromFieldNames, String> toFieldNames, String comments, Value values
- Validation validation
class Validation
- Vector String code
class Value
- Vector String list
class Enum
- String name
- int value
class Link
- Table table
- Vector String list
- boolean hasCascade
class Key
- String name
- Vector Field list
- boolean primary, unique