M.A.D. (Milk Authentication Device), a prototype for detection and predicting the amount of dilution and impurities adulterated in milk. Based on principles of spectroscopy and implemented via IoT.
Visit site for more: https://pismajor.webnode.com/
Checkout vedio demostration: https://youtu.be/cB7iV5AAf9Q
Link to Poster: https://drive.google.com/a/iiitd.ac.in/file/d/1724l_iehI6ZquENU-mnlHmX714_s2fe-/view?usp=drivesdk
Link to Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eUxPcm54p5WcHtPKalJ53mQvaqDUhnZyZk0Ui-ut7-I/edit?ts=5de395a8#heading=h.26zgb4bwj5zd
**M.A.D. specifically focussed on milk as subject to work on.
**This project is a part of course Prototyping Interactive Systems (PIS101)