The CMOS Inverter Schematic creation , Simulation and Layout Creation using Cadence Virtuoso. The CMOS Inverter is a basic building block of electronic circuit. It is one which inverts the signal given at the input, i.e., if the input is logic high the output is logic low and visa versa.
- Schematic : Cadence Virtuoso - Schematic XL
- Simulation :Cadence Virtuoso - ADE L
- Layout : Cadence Virtuoso - Layout XL
- Technology : gpdk90
- Verification tool :Assura
All DRC's were cleared and the design met LVS.
Here this graph represents the response Vout of the inverter with respect to input Vin, where Vout would be the inverse of input signal Vin.
This graph reprsents the switching of an inverter from 1 to 0 , this graph is a Vout vs Vin graph, as Vin increase Linearly we can observe how vut switches from Vdd to 0 depending on the rate of switching of the transistor.