Send messages and pictures to Messenger website using Selenium
- Check if Python 3 is installed
- Check if modern Google Chrome is installed
pip install -r requirements.txt
For security reasons, credentials are base64 encoded.
Additionally, you can use .env file to store credentials.
In this project python-decouple is used to load .env file.
Facebook Messenger Chat has 1 class
Facebook(email: base64 encoded str, password: base64 encoded str)
send_image() method
chat = fbchat.Facebook()
chat.send_image('path_to_file': str, conversation_thread: str | int)
- conversation thread - numbers after
123456789 or 123456789/
- path to file - path to picture on your PC
send_message() method
chat = fbchat.Chat()
chat.send_message('conversation thread', 'message')
- conversation thread - numbers after
123456789 or 123456789/
- message - string to be sent as 1 message
Hello World!
fbchat.Chat(email, pass)
.send_message('conversation thread', 'message')
.send_image('path_to_file', 'conversation_thread')
Even though credentials are required at initialization, Facebook() with reuse session cookies from previous session, and skip login process.
scraper = PJScraper(
accepts 1 argument - day of the week as number
0 - Monday
1 - Tuesday
2 - Wednesday
6 - Sunday
If day of the week is provided, returns dict with name of the day of the week as key and dict with classes as value
"Monday": {
"MUL ćwiczenia A215": {
"start": "10:15",
"end": "11:45",
"ASD wykład A1": {
"start": "12:15",
"end": "13:45",
If no argument is provided, returns dict with all classes
"Monday": {
"MUL ćwiczenia A215": {
"start": "10:15",
"end": "11:45",
"remotely": False,
"ASD wykład A1": {
"start": "12:15",
"end": "13:45",
"remotely": False,
"Tuesday": {},
"Wednesday": {
"JAP4lek ćwiczenia s. H307": {
"start": "12:15",
"end": "13:45",
"remotely": True,
"APBD wykład A1": {
"start": "14:00",
"end": "15:30",
"remotely": True,
"Thursday": {},
"Friday": {},
"Saturday": {},
"Sunday": {},