The objective of this little project is create a basic API that manipulate the .log file of the game Quake 3 Arena and provide routes to get some infos about the .log file.
Clone the repository, navigate into the downloaded folder and install the dependencies using one of the following commands:
npm install
To run the project use one of the following scripts:
- start:dev - Start the development server;
- start:prod - Start the development server;
- test - Run tests;
Edit .prettierrc.js if you want to change some the way like identation works (only care about this is you're using Prettier).
- (GET) - "/games" - Return all games in the .log file
- (GET) - "/game/:id" - Return a game containing the provided ID
- (GET) - "/ranking" - Return the ranking of all players by kills
Quake 3 Arena is a trademark of id Software