TickIt - where tasks meet simplicity! Elevate your productivity game with this sleek and powerful command-line todo app written in Go. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to organized bliss!
✨ Features:
- Effortless Task Entry: Add tasks seamlessly with a single command.
- Tick and Triumph: Mark tasks as complete and revel in your achievements.
- Clean and Commanding CLI: View your tasks with a simple command-line interface.
🚀 Get Started:
For Development:
You can follow below instructions to develop this project locally.
git clone https://github.com/VivekAlhat/TickIt.git cd tickit make build
For Usage:
Download the binary for your OS from the latest releases page.
Command Your Tasks:
- Add a new task:
tickit -a "Your task magic"
- List all tasks:
tickit -l
- Mark task as complete:
tickit -t <task_id>
- Delete a task:
tickit -d <task_id>
- Help (list all available commands):
tickit -h
🌟 Tick Your Way to Success: TickIt - Your command-line companion for ticking tasks off your list! 🎯
License: MIT - LICENSE 📜