Alas is my personal website made for the student server at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. The webiste is hosted at
git clone
Before using the code you need to install the dependencies. Fortunately NPM does this for us
npm install
npm run test
By building for development the output isn't minified which makes debugging a lot easier
npm run dev
By building for production the output is minified and optimized for deployment
npm run build
Radix converter and signed number representation converter tools that provide step-by-step instructions on how to do the conversions by hand.
Collection of algorithms for arithmetic operations that are hardware implemented in CPUs. The collection includes algorithms for unsigned multiplication and division, regular and modified Booth's algorithm for signed multiplication and an algorithm for signed division. All of them provide step-by-step instructions for calculating the solution.
Utility for converting to and from floating point numbers represented in the IEEE754 standard, including algorithms for performing basic arithmetic operations on IEEE754 numbers. All algorithms provide step-by-step instructions for calculating the solution.
CRC and Hamming Single Error Correction encoder and decoder with step-by-step instructions for performing the operations.
Alas is licensed under the MIT license. That means you are free to modify and distribute the software for commercial purposes (even under different terms or without source code) or use is privately. The only condition is that a copy of the license must be included with the software.
Feel free to contribute to the project either by submitting issues or making pull requests.
Thank you for the help 😊