This cjass library provides a Real2D structure that provides methods for working with a 2D array of floats. All methods contain TriggerSleepAction() interrupts to protect against thread breakage. All methods use cycles from 1 to length and from 1 to width, keep this in mind. The library uses a native hashtable to store elements and is dependent on the HT library
// Create. length and width of the matrix
Real2D map = Real2D.create(integer length, integer width)
// Delete an object
// Read value. a, b - indexes
real value = map.getr(integer a, integer b)
// Write value
map.setr(integer a, integer b, real value)
// Make a copy
Real2D newmap = map.copy()
// Find the maximum and minimum element
real max = map.max
real min = map.min
// Normalization (bringing all numbers into the range [0,1])
map = map.norm() // returns the same object
// Multiply each element of a matrix by a number
map = map.multiply(real number) // returns the same object
// Raise each element to a degree
map = map.pow(real degree) // returns the same object
// Square each element
map = map.square() // returns the same object