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Inputs And Outputs

voyz edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 2 revisions

Inputs Directory

IBeam will look for a directory specified in the IBEAM_INPUTS_DIR environment variable (/srv/inputs by default). This directory is used by IBeam to provide files required by the Gateway. Note that these files will override any existing files if there is a conflict.

Currently the following files are recognised and supported:

When using IBeam as a Docker image, you can pass the files to your container by mounting a volume on runtime:

docker run -v /host/path/to/inputs:/container/path/to/inputs [OTHER_OPTIONS] voyz/ibeam

Remember that /container/path/to/inputs must be pointed to by IBEAM_INPUTS_DIR environment variable in the container.

Outputs Directory

IBeam will use the directory specified as IBEAM_OUTPUTS_DIR to output information about its process.


Learn about IBeam Configuration and Gateway Configuration