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Changelog June 27th 2022

Vuthakral edited this page Jun 27, 2022 · 1 revision
  • Global: Added new function DRC:FloorDist(ent, sqr) -- Return the distance between a given entity and the space below it. Second arg is if the distance should be squared or not (faster).
  • Global: Added new function DRC:RegisterVoiceSet(table) -- registers a voiceset for use.
  • Global: Added new function DRC:VoiceSpot(ply) -- Makes a player "spot" whatever they are looking at.
  • Global: Added new function DRC:GetVoiceSet(ent) -- Returns the current VoiceSet for the entity, or nil if it has none.
  • Global: Added new function DRC:SpeakSentence(ent, call, subcall, important) -- Will be fully detailed on the wiki.
  • VoiceSets: Implemented first version of Draconic "VoiceSets", allowing players to pick a voice on servers which allow customization of their playermodel. (Or just Sandbox in general.) The option can be found in the "Extra" tab of Player Representation.
  • Draconic Menu: Added icons to all main tabs.
  • Draconic Menu: "Playermodel" tab is now "Player", in additionally this tab now is home to two sub-tabs, "Playermodels", and "Hands" -- see next note.
  • Draconic Menu: Added a c_arm/c_hand selector tab for addons which add extra c_arms. The first entry of a big red "X" is used to disable this and go back to using the intended c_arm models provided with playermodels.
  • Draconic Menu: Playermodel menu now filters out dummy playermodel entries for c_arm addition addons.
  • Draconic Menu: "Spray" tab is now titled as "Extra".
  • Experimental First Person: Made the EFP body no longer draw RT shadows, preventing jank looking shadows from drawing all around the place for the player.
  • Experimental First Person: Added a secondary & tertiary clientside entity with no modified bones for drawing a shadow for the player and their weapon in EFP. See:
  • Projectile Base: Added ENT.OverrideBProfile = "ent_class" -- Forces the projectile to use the defined bullet profile. (User request)
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