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Projectile Base: Overview & Examples

Vuthakral edited this page Mar 15, 2022 · 1 revision


On this page, you will find several working examples of full entity lua files for Draconic Projectiles from various existing addons. At the bottom of this page, there is a description for what each individual setting does which the base provides.

Raw Code Paste #1

This is the code from the Draconic Halo UNSC SWEPs addon's SPNKr rocket. It provides an example of how to create a rocket with custom lua/particle effects.

Click to reveal code block
ENT.Base	= "draconic_projectile_base"

ENT.PrintName		= "SPNKr Rocket"
ENT.Author			= "Vuthakral"

ENT.Model = "models/vuthakral/halo/weapons/spnkr_rocket.mdl"

ENT.ProjectileType		 = "lua_explosive"
ENT.Damage 				 = 225
ENT.DamageType 			 = DMG_BLAST
ENT.Mass				 = 50
ENT.Gravity 			 = false
ENT.ExplodePressure		 = 5
ENT.AffectRadius		 = 300
ENT.ExplodeShakePower 	 = 25
ENT.ExplodeShakeTime  	 = 0.5	
ENT.ExplodeShakeDistance = 500

ENT.LoopingSound		= "drc.SPNKr_rocket_flight"
ENT.ExplodeSoundNear	= "drc.SPNKr_rocket_explode"
ENT.ExplodeSoundFar		= "drc.SPNKr_rocket_explode_dist"

ENT.SpawnEffect		= "drc_halo_spnkr_rocket_flash"
ENT.Effect			= "drc_halo_spnkr_rocket"
ENT.LuaExplEffect	= "drc_halo_spnkr_rocket_explode"

ENT.TrailMat		= "effects/draconic_halo/hunter_beam"
ENT.TrailColor		= Color(255, 255, 0)
ENT.TrailAdditive	= true
ENT.TrailStartWidth	= 30
ENT.TrailEndWidth	= 0
ENT.TrailLifeTime	= 0.1

ENT.SpriteMat		= "sprites/glow04_noz"
ENT.SpriteWidthMin	= 20
ENT.SpriteWidthMax	= 25
ENT.SpriteHeightMin = 20
ENT.SpriteHeightMax = 25
ENT.SpriteColor		= Color(200, 200, 20)

ENT.Light			= true
ENT.LightColor		= Color(150, 100, 0)
ENT.LightBrightness	= 2.5
ENT.LightRange		= 250
ENT.LightType		= 0

Raw Code Paste #2

This is from the needler needle of the Draconic Halo Covenant SWEPs, which provides an example of how to set up an automatically-tracking projectile.

Click to reveal code block.
ENT.Base	= "draconic_projectile_base"

ENT.PrintName		= "needle_t33"
ENT.Author			= "Vuthakral"

ENT.Model = "models/vuthakral/halo/weapons/w_needle.mdl"

ENT.Damage 	= 3
ENT.Mass	= 1
ENT.Force	= 5
ENT.Gravity = false
ENT.ProjectileType	= "supercombine"
ENT.ExplosionType	= "lua"

ENT.Tracking		= true
ENT.TrackFraction	= 0.75

ENT.SuperCombineRequirement		= 7
ENT.SuperDamage					= 100
ENT.SuperDamageType 			= DMG_BLAST
ENT.SuperCombineType 			= "lua"
ENT.SuperExplodePressure		= 5
ENT.SuperExplodeShakePower 		= 5
ENT.SuperExplodeShakeTime  		= 0.5	
ENT.SuperExplodeShakeDistance 	= 500

ENT.ExplodeSoundNear	= "drc.Needler_explosion"
ENT.ExplodeSoundFar		= ""

ENT.ENearSC	= "drc.Needler_supercombine"

ENT.ExplodeShakePower 		= 0
ENT.ExplodeShakeTime  		= 0	
ENT.ExplodeShakeDistance 	= 0

ENT.FuseTime	= 5
ENT.ExplodePressure			= 0

ENT.AffectRadius	= 10
ENT.SuperAffectRadius	= 35

ENT.SpawnEffect		= nil
ENT.Effect			= nil
ENT.LuaExplEffect	= "drc_halo_nr_impact"
ENT.LuaExplEffect	= "drc_halo_nr_impact"
ENT.SuperLuaExplEffect	= "drc_halo_ne_sc"

ENT.SpriteMat		= "sprites/glow04_noz"
ENT.SpriteWidthMin	= 50
ENT.SpriteWidthMax	= 40
ENT.SpriteHeightMin = 10
ENT.SpriteHeightMax = 15
ENT.SpriteColor		= Color(255, 0, 255)

ENT.TrailMat		= "effects/draconic_halo/hunter_beam"
ENT.TrailColor		= Color(255, 0, 255)
ENT.TrailAdditive	= true
ENT.TrailStartWidth	= 10
ENT.TrailEndWidth	= 0
ENT.TrailLifeTime	= 0.3

Explanation on all projectile base settings:

  • ENT.PrintName = "Name of Your Entity -- The name which would show up in the spawn menu if this entity were spawnable.
  • ENT.Author = "Your Name -- The name of the author of the projectile
  • ENT.Category = "Draconic Projectiles" -- Set to your category as it would appear in the spawnmenu.
  • ENT.Spawnable = false -- Generally should be left to false, as this prevents it from showing up in the spawnmenu.
  • ENT.AdminSpawnable = false -- Make it so only admins can spawn this entity from the spawnmenu (still requires ENT.Spawnable = true to work.)

  • ENT.Model = "path/to/model.mdl" -- Model the projectile uses. MUST be forward-facing.
  • ENT.HideModel = true/false -- Whether or not the model should be drawn
  • ENT.HideShadow = true/false -- Whether or not the model's shadow should be drawn

  • ENT.Mass = nil -- The mass of the projectile entity

  • ENT.Damage = 25 -- The flat damage value the projectile will deal on impact. Or scaled down from the center of an explosion.
  • ENT.DamageType = DMG_GENERIC --
  • ENT.Force = 5 -- Extra force to apply to physics objects on impact. Mass of the object can already cause a decent impact force.
  • ENT.Gravity = true/false -- Whether or not the projectile should be affected by gravity
  • ENT.DoesRadialDamage = true/false-- Whether or not the projectile does damage to objects it passes by. Damage scales outwards from the center based on ENT.Damage.
  • ENT.ProjectileType = "point" --
  • ENT.Explosive = true/false -- Whether or not this projectile explodes.
  • ENT.ExplosionType = "hl2" -- "hl2", "lua", or "Scripted". This value is more often than not handled internally. Read the "Projectile Types" page for more in-depth information.
  • ENT.RemoveInWater = true/false -- Self explanatory.

  • ENT.EMP = true/false -- Whether or not this projectile has EMP properties. Shuts down any vehicles it hits, and strips players/NPCs/nextbots of armour or shields.
  • ENT.EMPTime = 5 -- How long the EMP effect lasts on vehicles
  • ENT.EMPSound = "" -- Sound to play when an EMP is triggered

  • ENT.TimerFrequency = 1 -- How long (in seconds) for scripted effects to occur between. Affects how often fire ticks damage and other radial passive effects.
  • ENT.GravitySpherePower = 0 -- Force to be applied outwards from the proejctile every tick of ENT.TimerFrequency. Positive values push away while negative ones pull things in.

  • ENT.Tracking = true/false -- Whether or not this projectile entity natively tracks targets.
  • ENT.TrackType = "Tracking" -- "Tracking" or "Guided". Tracking types move towards an entity or towards a given position. Guided moves towards where the user is aiming.
  • ENT.TrackFraction = 0.5 -- The "fraction" of how much angle deviation the projectile should have whenever it updates. A value of 0.5 means it will angle halfway towards its target every time it updates, providing a nice realistic tracking curve for missiles. A fraction of 1 makes it turn rapidly, but still gradually. The higher you go, the faster the projectile will arc towards its target and become harder to avoid.

  • ENT.SuperCombineRequirement = 0 -- Number of projectiles needed of this type to cause a supercombine. Only works on projectiles with the type supercombine, read more here:
  • ENT.SuperDamage = 100 -- Damage a supercombine explosion should do
  • ENT.SuperAffectRadius = 0.0001 -- The distance (in hammer units) which is affected in a radius from the projectile.
  • ENT.SuperDamageType = DMG_GENERIC --
  • ENT.SuperCombineType = "hl2" -- "hl2", "lua", or "Scripted"
  • ENT.SuperExplodePressure = 100 -- "Pressure" the explosion should have behind it. This is the physical force with which the explosion will hurl objects affected by it.
  • ENT.SuperExplodeShakePower = 5 -- "Power" of the screen shake effect
  • ENT.SuperExplodeShakeTime = 0.5 -- Time (in seconds) for the screen shake to last
  • ENT.SuperExplodeShakeDistance = 500 -- Distance (in hammer units) for the screen shake to affect players by.

  • ENT.ExplodeShakePower = 5 -- "Power" of the screen shake effect
  • ENT.ExplodeShakeTime = 0.5 --Time (in seconds) for the screen shake to last
  • ENT.ExplodeShakeDistance = 500 -- Distance (in hammer units) for the screen shake to affect players by.

  • ENT.FuseTime = 5 -- Time (in seconds) it takes for a fuse to burn down which triggers the explosive properties of a projectile.
  • ENT.ManualDetonation = true/false -- Whether or not this projectile requires manual custom code input (firing self:Detonate()) to trigger an explosion.
  • ENT.DetonateSoundNear = nil -- The sound which plays in normal space when detonating. (E.g. a remote detonator beeping)
  • ENT.DetonateSoundFar = nil -- The sound which plays in distant space when detonating. (E.g. a warning siren)
  • ENT.DetonationDelay = 1 -- Time (in seconds) for the detonation to take before triggering the explosion. (Unaffected by ENT.FuseTime as this is basically its own system.)

  • ENT.LoopingSound = "" -- The looping sound for this projectile to emit while it exists.
  • ENT.ExplodeSoundNear = "" -- The primary "BOOM" in an explosion sound.
  • ENT.ExplodeSoundFar = "" -- The distant echo of an explosion sound.

  • ENT.ExplodePressure = 5 -- "Pressure" the explosion should have behind it. This is the physical force with which the explosion will hurl objects affected by it.
  • ENT.AffectRadius = 0.0001 -- The distance (in hammer units) which is affected in a radius from the projectile.

  • ENT.SpawnEffect = "nameofeffect" -- Particle or lua effect to be created when this projectile is spawned.
  • ENT.Effect = "nameofeffect" -- Particle or lua effect to be created every tick on the projectile
  • ENT.LuaExplEffect = "nameofeffect" -- The particle or lua effect to be created when a lua explosion is triggered on a projectile.
  • ENT.SuperLuaExplEffect = "nameofeffect -- The particle or lua effect to be created when a supercombine explosion is triggered.
  • ENT.ImpactEffect = "nameofeffect" -- The particle or lua effect to be created when the projectile impacts with something. (e.g. explosion effects)
  • ENT.ImpactSound = "" -- The sound to emit when the projectile impacts with something. Not to be confused with ENT.ExplodeSoundNear. This triggers on non-explosive projectiles.

  • ENT.TrailMat = "material" -- Trail #1 material
  • ENT.TrailColor = Color(255, 255, 255) -- Self explanatory
  • ENT.TrailAdditive = true/false -- Self explanatory
  • ENT.TrailStartWidth = 20 -- Self explanatory
  • ENT.TrailEndWidth = 0 -- Self explanatory
  • ENT.TrailLifeTime = 1 -- Self explanatory

  • ENT.TrailMat2 = "material" -- Trail #2 material
  • ENT.TrailColor2 = Color(255, 255, 255) -- Self explanatory
  • ENT.TrailAdditive2 = true/false -- Self explanatory
  • ENT.TrailStartWidth2 = 20 -- Self explanatory
  • `ENT.TrailEndWidth2 = 0`` -- Self explanatory
  • ENT.TrailLifeTime2 = 1 -- Self explanatory

  • ENT.SpriteMat = "materialname" -- Spite #1 material path
  • ENT.SpriteWidthMin = 10 -- Min width
  • ENT.SpriteWidthMax = 10 -- Max width
  • ENT.SpriteHeightMin = 10 -- Min height
  • ENT.SpriteHeightMax = 10 -- Max height; these four values allow you to create a random flickering effect for the sprites attached to your projectile.
  • ENT.SpriteColor = Color(0, 255, 0) -- Self explanatory

  • ENT.SpriteMat2 = "materialname" -- Spite #1 material path
  • ENT.SpriteWidthMin2 = 10 -- Min width
  • ENT.SpriteWidthMax2 = 10 -- Max width
  • ENT.SpriteHeightMin2 = 10 -- Min height
  • ENT.SpriteHeightMax2 = 10 -- Max height; these four values allow you to create a random flickering effect for the sprites attached to your projectile.
  • ENT.SpriteColor2 = Color(0, 255, 0) -- Self explanatory
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