KotChat is a simple chat application built using Express.js for the backend and jQuery for the frontend. It allows users to engage in real-time communication in a chatroom environment.
To install KotChat, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Vyasdev217/KotChat.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd KotChat
Create the necessary configuration files and certificates in the parent directory of the project folder:
: Configuration file for your application. It should look like this:
{ "KOTCHAT_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING": "<your MongoDB connection string>", "hashsalt": "<your hash salt string>" }
: Text file containing the password for total admin access.certs/private.key
: SSL certificates for secure communication.
Install dependencies:
npm install
To start the KotChat server, run the following command:
npm start
By default, the server will be running on port 443. You can access the application by navigating to https://yourdomain
or https://localhost
in your web browser.
To gain total admin access, make a POST request to /su
with the following data:
"password": "<password in password.txt>"
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.