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Faster, non-feature complete rust re-implementation of "Panoramas from Photons (ICCV 2023)"


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Getting Started


First make sure you have an adequate rust toolchain installed (install from here), and gcc installed.

It's best practice to create a virtual environment, you can use micromamba to do so:

micromamba create --name py312 python=3.12

Then activate your environment, and in it install spano, either directly form this repo:

pip install -v git+

Or you can clone the project and, in the project's directory, run:

pip install -v .

This will compile the library from source so it will take some time.


Registration of two images

Register two images using Inverse Compositional Lucas-Kanade at a fixed scale, and then again at multiple scales (image pyramid).

On a Ryzen 5600G, single scale takes 3956 steps and ~6.5 seconds while multi scales takes 262 steps and ~0.15 seconds (best of 3 runs, without visualization or params dump).

spano lk -i assets/madison1.png -i assets/madison2.png -o out.png --downscale=2 --iterations=5000 --early-stop=1e-3 --viz-output=out.mp4 --params-path=params.json

spano lk -i assets/madison1.png -i assets/madison2.png -o out-multi.png --downscale=2 --iterations=5000 --early-stop=5e-3 --viz-output=out-multi.mp4 --params-path=params-multi.json --multi

# Plot convergence of the two runs
inv plot -i params.json -i params-multi.json

# Here's a harder example with different sized images and a large warp (takes ~6.4 seconds):
spano lk -i assets/skyline1.png -i assets/skyline2.png -o out-multi.png --downscale=2 --iterations=5000 --early-stop=1e-3 --multi

Panorama from photoncube

You can create a panorama using a photoncube (in npy format) as well. Using this photoncube and the appropriate inpainting and color filter arrays found here you can create a panorama and the stabilized videos at each level like so:

spano pano -i binary.npy -s 0 -e 64000 -t rot90 -t flip-ud --colorspad-fix --granularity=32 --viz-step=10 --early-stop=1e-4 --viz-output=out.mp4 --inpaint-path ../photoncube2video/colorspad_inpaint_mask.npy --cfa-path ../photoncube2video/rgbw_oh_bn_color_ss2_corrected.png

On a 5600G, this takes about 1min 20s.


We use maturin as a build system, which enables this package to be built as a python extension using pyo3 bindings. Some other tools are needed for development work, which can be installed using pip install -v .[dev].

Code Quality

We use rustfmt to format the codebase, we use some customizations (i.e for import sorting) which require nightly. First ensure you have the nightly toolchain installed with:

rustup toolchain install nightly

Then you can format the code using:

cargo +nightly fmt 

Similarly we use black/ruff to format/lint the python parts of the project.

To keep the project lean, it's recommended to check for unused dependencies using this tool, or this one, like so:

cargo +nightly udeps
cargo machete --with-metadata

Finally, we use clippy:

cargo clippy --no-deps


We use both rust unit and integration tests, as well as python unit tests to check the bindings:

pytest . 
cargo test --release 


To run benchmarks simply run cargo bench. You can also create flamegraphs (only on linux) like so:

cargo bench --bench benchmarks -- --profile-time 10

The graphs will be in target/criterion/*/profile/flamegraph.svg.


Docs are still somewhat limited, but you can explore the rust API documentation locally using cargo doc --open.


Faster, non-feature complete rust re-implementation of "Panoramas from Photons (ICCV 2023)"







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